| - Tangled: The Series is an American 2D-animated musical fantasy television series that premiered on Disney Channel on March 10, 2017 as a movie, and began airing regular episodes from March 24, 2017. It is based on Disney's 2010 computer-animated film Tangled directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. It takes place between the original movie and the short Tangled Ever After. A teaser trailer was released during the Disney Channel Original Movie, The Swap. It began as a Disney Channel Original Movie, titled Tangled: Before Ever After, which premiered on March 10, 2017.
| - Tangled: The Series is an American 2D-animated musical fantasy television series that premiered on Disney Channel on March 10, 2017 as a movie, and began airing regular episodes from March 24, 2017. It is based on Disney's 2010 computer-animated film Tangled directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. It takes place between the original movie and the short Tangled Ever After. A teaser trailer was released during the Disney Channel Original Movie, The Swap. It began as a Disney Channel Original Movie, titled Tangled: Before Ever After, which premiered on March 10, 2017. The series will feature new songs from Alan Menken, who wrote the score and songs for the original movie, and Glenn Slater. Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and M.C. Gainey reprise their roles. On February 15, 2017, it was announced that the series had been renewed for a fith season ahead of the series premiere.