| - Nōsei kneels near the pool lost in thought about the possible events of his first day as a shinobi. Soon he would meet his team and sensei, "What would they be like...?" He just desired to blend in and to be given the chance to continue one of the very few things that ever interested him in his relatively short life. The young genin lets out a sigh and lays back on the rough cracked earth as he stares toward the sky. Time seemed to move at crawl as the clouds passed over him. As Nōsei thought about his first day as a Genin, a young boy with turquoise eyes walked upon the trail, heading back to Konoha after completing his mission. As he walked, he noticed a rather small boy, he couldn't be not even a year younger than Shoku, kneeling. Why would this boy be out in a barren wasteland? I shall ask if he needs assistance. "Sorry if I'm being rude, but are you lost?" he asked, hoping the answer was "no". Startled by sudden visitor, Nōsei jumps to his feet before looking back towards the pool. "Uh...no I'm...not lost," he speaks in a low manner without making eye contact. It is then that the Kirigakure shinobi begins to question his surroundings. Before he was merely lost in thought and hadn't truly thought about where he was, but now everything seemed to be odd. "Perhaps this is an illusion..." he thinks to himself, "but if that's the case...then is this person the cause?" With these thoughts in mind Nōsei becomes noticeably tense and still avoids eye contact with Shoku. Shoku could easily tell that the boy had been startled. He could also tell that he was suspicious. Without making any sudden moves, Shoku slowly walked up to the boy. "Okay. Well, may I ask why you're out in no-man's land?" the Hyūga asked. This boy seems troubled. I don't want to hurt him, but if he attacks, he will get hurt... Nōsei instinctively moves back simultaneously as Shoku advances still unsure of the Hyūga's motives. "I...don't know why I'm here sir," Nōsei explains, while clearly behaving defensively at this point. This boy is becoming irritable. But I must be polite. Shoku thought. He was becoming annoyed by this Genin. "You don't have to call me sir. I am no higher than you in anyways. But, if you don't know why you're here, then wouldn't that mean you're lost?" he asked as he memorized Nōsei's expression. Perhaps it would be useful later. Troubled by this realization Nōsei split his attention between Shoku's location and his own thoughts, "Am I lost? I feel like I know this place...but I don't have any memory of such a location..." Concerned about the growing trouble of the situation he carefully feels his left forearm as the subtle sound of metal on metal can be heard. "That was too loud," Nōsei thinks to himself while forgetting to address the Hyūga's previous question as he takes another step away. "Please, young shinobi, would you answer my question? I know I'm unfamiliar to you. But I would like to assist you if you're lost." Shoku said, the veins around his eyes becoming more and more distinct. If there was going to be a battle, he was going to be prepared... For the first time Nōsei looks up Shoku and immediately notices the veins around his unique eyes, "His eyes...I've heard of this...but I just can't remember precisely...this doujutsu." Still tense he attempts to eplain the situation, "I just don't know why I'm here...but I...uh...feel like...for now it shouldn't be a problem." Hmm... this boy is a strange case. "Well, I don't fully understand what you mean? Does this mean you do not need help?" Shoku then noticed that Nōsei had spotted his Byakugan. "I promise, I may have my Byakugan activated, but I mean no harm. I have only activated it to look at my surroundings." Shoku was terrible at lying, so he hoped he had made himself sound convincing. With the Byakugan, Shuko should be able to notice Nōsei's chakra beginning to pulsate ever so slightly, "Did you say the Byakugan?" He then remembers what he had read briefly of Konohagakure's Gentle Fist style causing his chakra to resonate at an increased rate subconsciously. As Nōsei's chakra wavered, Shoku tensed. He must think I'm going to attack. I will not attack someone that hasn't provoked me in anyway. he thought as he focused his Byakugan more. It was then that Nōsei had reached his breaking point and truly desired to remove himself from the situation, "I have nowhere to run in this place. So if he's stronger than me, I'll be caught and defeated." The Mist shinobi then takes a more relaxed stance and looks directly at Shoku, "What do I know so far? He activated his Byakugan without the aid of a handseal, thus his chakra control is impressive. He's remained calm...possibly meaning that he believes he has the upper hand." Taking a deep breath he allows a kunai slide out of his sleeve into his hand before throwing it towards Leaf Ninja, "Plus it's not like I have to kill him...do I?"