| - (The Avatar, Ryoma and Takumi arrive to the battlefield)
* Avatar: *huff* *huff* *huff* First the Eternal Stairway...now this. At least we don't have to worry about staying in condition with all this exercise.
* Ryoma: I'm afraid the physical demands of this peak aren't our only worry... How are you doing, Avatar? Do you need to take a break?
* Avatar: No, I'm OK. But it looks as though we've put some distance on the others. Perhaps we should give them a chance to catch up and rest.
* Ryoma: Good idea. I'll backtrack a little bit and alert the leaders. Wait...someone else is here!
* Avatar: Where? I don't see anyone...
* Wolfskin: Grrrr...
* Ryoma: Watch out, Avatar! (Two wolfskin and Keaton appear)
* Wolfskin: Grr... *snarl*
* Avatar: What are we dealing with, Ryoma? Another of Nohr's monsters?
* Ryoma: No, these are wolfskin—a tribe with shapeshifting abilities. They're the other hazard associated with crossing Mount Garou.
* Keaton: Hey! What are you guys doing in our den?
* Avatar: I'm sorry...who are you?
* Keaton: Me? Oh, my name's Keaton. And you CAN'T HAVE MY FUR, got it? Some other humans came and tried to get my fur. But I collected their bones instead. Ha! The joke's on them. (Falling bones are heard)
* Ryoma: He does appear to have a collection of human bones...
* Avatar: I'm sorry. I think there's been a misunderstanding. We're not after your fur. We just want to pass through the area. We mean you no harm!
* Keaton: Really? How can I trust you? My fur is pretty soft, you know. A lot of people want it!
* Avatar: Please, believe me. We have no intention of fighting. Everyone! Set down your weapons.
* Ryoma: I hope you know what you're doing, Avatar...
* Takumi: Yeah, you better be right about this.
* Avatar: There. You see, we're sorry about trespassing, but we come in peace. We'd just like to pass through this area.
* Keaton: Hmm...
* Wolfskin: Grr!
* Keaton: All right, all right. I think they're telling the truth. Let's let these humans through.
* Avatar: Thank you Keaton. We appreciate it. (Wolfskin is attacked by dark magic)
* Wolfskin: Gyaaah! (Wolfskin dies)
* Keaton: What was that?
* Avatar: Some kind of explosion! Everyone, get down!
* Ryoma: Look, up there. What is that?
* Avatar: It looks like...dark energy. The same kind that exploded from my sword... Have we been set up by King Garon again?
* Keaton: Hey! Hey! Wake up! This isn't funny, OK? Snap to it! Aww, open your eyes. Please? Not like this... *sniff* *sniff*
* Avatar: Oh dear.
* Keaton: YOU! You did this, didn't you? You were tricking us the whole time!
* Avatar: No! That's not true. We had nothing to do with this!
* Keaton: Lies! You'll die for this. ALL OF YOU! (Keaton attacks the Avatar, Kaze appears and guards the Avatar)
* Kaze: Lord/Lady Avatar! Are you OK?
* Keaton: Gah! Get out of my way! This is between me and him/her. (Keaton attacks Kaze)
* Kaze: Urgh...
* Avatar: Kaze!
* Kaze: I don't think we can talk our way out of this one, Lord/Lady Avatar. We're going to sustain heavy losses if we don't fight back.
* Keaton: I knew I shouldn't have trusted humans. None of you are leaving this place alive!
* Kaze: Quickly, Lord/Lady Avatar! We need to take action one way or another.
* Avatar: Argh! I guess we have no choice... Please forgive us, wolfskin!