| - The Pagemaster is a 1994 American live-action/animated fantasy adventure film directed by Joe Johnston (for the live-action scenes) and Pixote Hunt & Glenn Chaika (for the animated scenes) & produced by David Kirschner and Paul Gertz, starring Macaulay Culkin, Christopher Lloyd, Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Stewart, Leonard Nimoy and Frank Welker. The film was produced by Turner Pictures and released by 20th Century Fox on November 23, 1994.
- The Pagemaster is a 1994 20th century fox film.
- The Pagemaster is a 1994 American fantasy adventure film starring Macauley Culkin, Christopher Lloyd, Patrick Stewert, Whoopi Goldberg, and Frank Welker.
- The film was written for the screen by David Casci, based on a 6-page pitch by writer Charles Pogue entitled "Library Days", presented to Casci by producer David Kirschner. The film was directed by Joe Johnston and Pixote Hunt and Glenn Chaika, and produced by David Kirschner and Paul Gertz.
- NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. We all liked Michael Jackson at some point, didn’t we? But that doesn’t mean he can just throw any crap on the screen and expect us to buy it! That’s why I have some serious hang-ups with Moonwalker. (Clips of “The Pagemaster” are shown instead as NC speaks) NC (voiceover): One of the strangest and most bizarre—um…this isn’t “Moonwalker.” (The movie begins) NC (voiceover): Let’s take a look at our first problem: the producer, Ted Turner. (The credit “In association with Turner Pictures, Inc.” is shown) Alan: Rich! NC: Yeah!