The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook was a roleplaying guide published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was written by Grant S. Boucher and Michael Stern, and was first published in September of 1993. The book summarizes and details the events of the original trilogy of Star Wars movies. It integrates information from three of the West End Games Galaxy Guides—Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, and Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi—into one volume, updated for the Second Edition rules.
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| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook was a roleplaying guide published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was written by Grant S. Boucher and Michael Stern, and was first published in September of 1993. The book summarizes and details the events of the original trilogy of Star Wars movies. It integrates information from three of the West End Games Galaxy Guides—Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, and Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi—into one volume, updated for the Second Edition rules.
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| - *Bantha
*Dragon slug
*Krayt dragon
*Sink crab
*Womp rat
- *Bantha
*Lesma dragão
*Dragão Krayt
*Caranguejo coletor
*Rato Womp
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Publish Date
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| - *Gial Ackbar
*Jagged Antilles
*Wedge Antilles
*Zena Antilles
*Ponda Baba
*Dansra Beezer
*Walex Blissex
*Kren Blista-Vanee
*Lando Calrissian
*Beryl Chiffonage
*Salacious B. Crumb
*Naroon Cuthus
*Figrin D'an
*Biggs Darklighter
*Huff Darklighter
*Bren Derlin
*Jan Dodonna
*Vrad Dodonna
*Cornelius Evazan/Roofoo
*Boba Fett
*Ecclessis Figg
*Ledick Firest
*Derren Flet
*Bib Fortuna
*Bent Gavler
*Arhul Hextrophon
*Allania Jakien
*Pai de Allania Jakien
*Mãe de Allania Jakien
*Wes Janson
*Tiaan Jerjerrod
*Jodo Kast
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Derek Klivian
*Bidlo Kwerve
*Evram Lajaie
*Beru Whitesun Lars
*Owen Lars
*Bevel Lemelisk
*Camie Loneozner
*Laze Loneozner
*Crix Madine
*Ephant Mon
*Mon Mothma
*Conan Antonio Motti
*Voren Na'al
*Momaw Nadon
*Lorth Needa
*Nien Nunb
*Pai de Oola
*Bail Prestor Organa
*Kendal Ozzel
*Judder Page
*Firmus Piett
*Jek Tono Porkins
*Dak Ralter
*Carlist Rieekan
*Zev Senesca
*Ellisa Shallence
*Vytor Shrike
*Lak Sivrak
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Leia Organa Solo
*Cassio Tagge
*Adar Tallon
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Sian Tevv
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Tonnika sisters
**Brea Tonnika
**Senni Tonnika
*Darth Vader
*Jon Vander
*Tay Vanis
*Maximilian Veers
*Wicket Wystri Warrick
*Lira Wessex
- *Gial Ackbar
*Jagged Antilles
*Wedge Antilles
*Zena Antilles
*Ponda Baba
*Dansra Beezer
*Walex Blissex
*Kren Blista-Vanee
*Lando Calrissian
*Beryl Chiffonage
*Salacious B. Crumb
*Naroon Cuthus
*Figrin D'an
*Biggs Darklighter
*Huff Darklighter
*Bren Derlin
*Jan Dodonna
*Vrad Dodonna
*Cornelius Evazan/Roofoo
*Boba Fett
*Ecclessis Figg
*Ledick Firest
*Derren Flet
*Bib Fortuna
*Bent Gavler
*Arhul Hextrophon
*Allania Jakien
*Allania Jakien's father
*Allania Jakien's mother
*Wes Janson
*Tiaan Jerjerrod
*Jodo Kast
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Derek Klivian
*Bidlo Kwerve
*Evram Lajaie
*Beru Whitesun Lars
*Owen Lars
*Bevel Lemelisk
*Camie Loneozner
*Laze Loneozner
*Crix Madine
*Ephant Mon
*Mon Mothma
*Conan Antonio Motti
*Voren Na'al
*Momaw Nadon
*Lorth Needa
*Nien Nunb
*Oola's father
*Bail Prestor Organa
*Kendal Ozzel
*Judder Page
*Firmus Piett
*Jek Tono Porkins
*Dak Ralter
*Carlist Rieekan
*Zev Senesca
*Ellisa Shallence
*Vytor Shrike
*Lak Sivrak
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Leia Organa Solo
*Cassio Tagge
*Adar Tallon
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Sian Tevv
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Tonnika sisters
**Brea Tonnika
**Senni Tonnika
*Darth Vader
*Jon Vander
*Tay Vanis
*Maximilian Veers
*Wicket Wystri Warrick
*Lira Wessex
| - *AA-1 VerboBrain
*Acoustic signaller
*Arc welder
**Battle armor
**Blast armor
**Darth Vader's armor
**Mandalorian armor
***Boba Fett's battle armor
***Jodo Kast's battle armor
**Sandtrooper armor
**Snowtrooper armor
**Stormtrooper armor
*Audio sensor
*Bacta tank
*Blast helmet
*Blast vest
**Blaster cannon
**Blaster carbine
**Blaster pistol
**Blaster rifle
**Heavy blaster pistol
**Heavy blaster rifle
**Heavy repeating blaster
***E-Web heavy repeating blaster
**Hold-out blaster
*Breath mask
*Broadband antenna
*Circular saw
*Comm unit
*Compressed air launcher
**Medical diagnostic computer
*Computer interface tether
*Concussion grenade launcher
*Concussion missile launcher
*Deflector shield
**Ray shield
*Droid brain
*Droid tool kit
*Electro-lite pointer
*Enviro filter
*Fire extinguisher
*Flight suit
*Force pick
*Force pike
*Gasan string drum
*Grappling hook
*Grasper arm
**Concussion grenade
**Stun grenade
*Grenade launcher
*Heat dissipation unit
*High-tension wire
*Homing beacon
**Backup hyperdrive
*Hyperspace pod
**Probe-Mate hyperspace pod
*Hypodermic injector
*I/O jack
*Imperial code cylinder
*Inertial compensator
*Infrared scope
*Ion cannon
*Ion flare
*Jawa ionization blaster
*Kloo horn
*Laser cannon
*Laser scalpel
*Laser spade
*Life support
**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber
**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
*Logic circuit
*Low-feedback scanner
*Macrobinocular viewplate
*Magnetic landing grapple
*Medicine dispenser
*Memory circuit
*Micro-processing module
*Miniature flame projector
*Moisture vaporator
*Monitoring screen
*Navigation computer
*Navigation computer linkup helmet
*Perimeter shield
*Plasma grenade
*Power fence
*Power generator
*Power harpoon
*Power shears
*Proton torpedo
*Proton torpedo launcher
*Punch gun
*Repulsor disk
*Rescue beacon
*Restraining bolt
*Rocket dart
*S-Thread Tracker
*Security camera
*Security Systems Tool Kit
*Self-destruct mechanism
**Atmosphere sensor
**Electromagnetic field receptor
**Infrared receptor
**Lifeform scanner
**Long-range sensor
**Motion sensor
**Radiation sensor
*Sensor beacon
*Sensor plate
*Sensor scrambler
*Sonic detonator
*Sonic stunner
*Starship tool kit
*Stealth sensor scrambler
*Stun cuffs
*Stun gas blower
*Subspace transceiver
*Sublight drive
*Surge damper
*Surgical kit
*Targeting computer
*Targeting computer linkup helmet
*Terrain-grip boots
*Thermal detonator
*Thermal exhaust port
*Tool kit
*Tractor beam projector
*TranLang III communications module
*Turbo-projected grappling hook
*Utility belt
*Video sensor
*Wrist laser
*Wrist rocket launcher
- *AA-1 VerboBrain
*Acoustic signaller
*Arc welder
**Battle armor
**Blast armor
**Darth Vader's armor
**Mandalorian armor
***Boba Fett's battle armor
***Jodo Kast's battle armor
**Sandtrooper armor
**Snowtrooper armor
**Stormtrooper armor
*Audio sensor
*Bacta tank
*Blast helmet
*Blast vest
**Blaster cannon
**Blaster carbine
**Blaster pistol
**Blaster rifle
**Heavy blaster pistol
**Heavy blaster rifle
**Heavy repeating blaster
***E-Web heavy repeating blaster
**Hold-out blaster
*Breath mask
*Broadband antenna
*Circular saw
*Comm unit
*Compressed air launcher
**Medical diagnostic computer
*Computer interface tether
*Concussion grenade launcher
*Concussion missile launcher
*Deflector shield
**Ray shield
*Droid brain
*Droid tool kit
*Electro-lite pointer
*Enviro filter
*Fire extinguisher
*Flight suit
*Force pick
*Force pike
*Gasan string drum
*Grappling hook
*Grasper arm
**Concussion grenade
**Stun grenade
*Grenade launcher
*Heat dissipation unit
*High-tension wire
*Homing beacon
**Backup hyperdrive
*Hyperspace pod
**Probe-Mate hyperspace pod
*Hypodermic injector
*I/O jack
*Imperial code cylinder
*Inertial compensator
*Infrared scope
*Ion cannon
*Ion flare
*Jawa ionization blaster
*Kloo horn
*Laser cannon
*Laser scalpel
*Laser spade
*Life support
**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber
**Luke Skywalker's lightsaber
*Logic circuit
*Low-feedback scanner
*Macrobinocular viewplate
*Magnetic landing grapple
*Medicine dispenser
*Memory circuit
*Micro-processing module
*Miniature flame projector
*Moisture vaporator
*Monitoring screen
*Navigation computer
*Navigation computer linkup helmet
*Perimeter shield
*Plasma grenade
*Power fence
*Power generator
*Power harpoon
*Power shears
*Proton torpedo
*Proton torpedo launcher
*Punch gun
*Repulsor disk
*Rescue beacon
*Restraining bolt
*Rocket dart
*S-Thread Tracker
*Security camera
*Security Systems Tool Kit
*Self-destruct mechanism
**Atmosphere sensor
**Electromagnetic field receptor
**Infrared receptor
**Lifeform scanner
**Long-range sensor
**Motion sensor
**Radiation sensor
*Sensor beacon
*Sensor plate
*Sensor scrambler
*Sonic detonator
*Sonic stunner
*Starship tool kit
*Stealth sensor scrambler
*Stun cuffs
*Stun gas blower
*Subspace transceiver
*Sublight drive
*Surge damper
*Surgical kit
*Targeting computer
*Targeting computer linkup helmet
*Terrain-grip boots
*Thermal detonator
*Thermal exhaust port
*Tool kit
*Tractor beam projector
*TranLang III communications module
*Turbo-projected grappling hook
*Utility belt
*Video sensor
*Wrist laser
*Wrist rocket launcher
| - *Batalha de Kashyyyk (19 ABY)
*Desastre Chadrano
*Guerras Clônicas
*Guerra Cviil Galáctica
**Batalha de Bilbringi (9 DBY)
**Batalha de Endor
**Batalha de Hoth
**Batalha de Sluis Van
**Batalha de Tatooine (Guerra Civil Galáctica)
**Batalha do Grande Poço de Carkoon
**Batalha de Yavin
**Destruição de Alderaan
**Dissolução do Senado Imperial
**Duelo na Cidade das Nuvens
**Evacuação do Ponto Alis
**Evacuação de Nentan
**Evacuação de Yavin
**Resgate da Princesa Leia
**Subjugação de Firro
*Grande Purgo Jedi
*Motim na Margem Elíptica
*Projeto Asteroide
*Cerco de Dalron Cinco
*Subjugação de Ithor
- *Battle of Kashyyyk (19 BBY)
*Chadran disaster
*Clone Wars
*Galactic Civil War
**Battle of Bilbringi (9 ABY)
**Battle of Endor
**Battle of Hoth
**Battle of Sluis Van
**Battle of Tatooine (Galactic Civil War)
**Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon
**Battle of Yavin
**Destruction of Alderaan
**Dissolution of the Imperial Senate
**Duel on Cloud City
**Evacuation of Alis Point
**Evacuation of Nentan
**Evacuation of Yavin
**Rescue of Princess Leia
**Subjugation of Firro
*Great Jedi Purge
*Mutiny on the Rand Ecliptic
*Project Asteroid
*Siege of Dalron Five
*Subjugation of Ithor
| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
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| - *Grant Boucher
*Michael Stern
| - *Grant S. Boucher
*Michael Stern
| - *Alcohol
***Jawa beer
***Sullustan gin
***Sullustan wine
*Bafforr tree
*Bantha fodder
*Circle Route
*Corellian spice
*Credit voucher
*Dark Rituals
*Death Star plans
*First Dawn
*First Twilight
*Force nexus
*Galactic Basic Standard
*Galactic Credit Standard
*Haliat perfume
*Herd Meet
*Hesken Fever
*Imperial standard meter
*Kedran lip-smear
*Kenobi Medallion
*Journal of the Whills
*Juri juice
*Metric ton
*Moisture farm
*Mother Jungle
*Ration pack
*Safe world
*Second Twilight
*Shantipole Project
*Solar flare
*Standard Operations Procedure
*Standard year
*Tallon split
*Tarkin Doctrine
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Force power
****Accelerate Healing
****Control Pain
****Detoxify Poison
****Enhance Attribute
****Hibernation trance
****Force rage
****Reduce Injury
****Remain Conscious
****Resist Stun
****Short-term memory enhancement
****Force sight
****Instinctive astrogation
****Life Detection
****Life Sense
****Magnify Senses
****Receptive Telepathy
****Sense Force
****Sense Path
***Control and Sense
****Lightsaber combat
****Projective Telepathy
***Control and Alter
****Accelerate Another's Healing
****Consume Essence
****Control Another's Pain
****Force lightning
****Inflict Pain
****Return another to consciousness
****Transfer Force
***Control, Sense and Alter
****Battle meditation
****Force drain
****Force harmony
****Mind trick
****Qâzoi Kyantuska
****Transfer essence
***Sense and Alter
****Dim Other's Senses
*The galaxy
*True Gunner
*Vesuvague tree
- *Alcohol
***Jawa beer
***Sullustan gin
***Sullustan wine
*Bafforr tree
*Bantha fodder
*Circle Route
*Corellian spice
*Credit voucher
*Dark Rituals
*Death Star plans
*First Dawn
*First Twilight
*Force nexus
*Galactic Basic Standard
*Galactic Credit Standard
*Haliat perfume
*Herd Meet
*Hesken Fever
*Imperial standard meter
*Kedran lip-smear
*Kenobi Medallion
*Journal of the Whills
*Juri juice
*Metric ton
*Moisture farm
*Mother Jungle
*Ration pack
*Safe world
*Second Twilight
*Shantipole Project
*Solar flare
*Standard Operations Procedure
*Standard year
*Tallon split
*Tarkin Doctrine
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Force power
****Accelerate Healing
****Control Pain
****Detoxify Poison
****Enhance Attribute
****Hibernation trance
****Force rage
****Reduce Injury
****Remain Conscious
****Resist Stun
****Short-term memory enhancement
****Force sight
****Instinctive astrogation
****Life Detection
****Life Sense
****Magnify Senses
****Receptive Telepathy
****Sense Force
****Sense Path
***Control and Sense
****Lightsaber combat
****Projective Telepathy
***Control and Alter
****Accelerate Another's Healing
****Consume Essence
****Control Another's Pain
****Force lightning
****Inflict Pain
****Return another to consciousness
****Transfer Force
***Control, Sense and Alter
****Battle meditation
****Force drain
****Force harmony
****Mind trick
****Qâzoi Kyantuska
****Transfer essence
***Sense and Alter
****Dim Other's Senses
*The galaxy
*True Gunner
*Vesuvague tree
| - *Airspeeder
**T-16 skyhopper
**T-47 airspeeder
*Death Star
**DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
***Detention Block AA-23
**Death Star II
*Sail barge
*Speeder bike
**A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter
**BTL Y-wing starfighter
**RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
**TIE/IN interceptor
**TIE/LN starfighter
**X-wing starfighter
**Z-95 Headhunter
**CR90 corvette
***Tantive IV
***Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
****Home One
**Escape pod
**Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft
***Slave I
***Light freighter
****Sublight Queen
****Wedge Antilles's freighter
****YT-1300 light freighter
*****Millennium Falcon
**Ithorian Herdship
***Tafanda Bay
**Imperial Patrol Frigate
**Ore hauler
**Passenger liner
***Kuari Princess
**Prison barge
**Rand Ecliptic
**Star Destroyer
***Imperial-class Star Destroyer
***Super Star Destroyer
***GR-75 medium transport
****Bright Hope
**All Terrain Armored Transport
**All Terrain Scout Transport
- *Airspeeder
**T-16 skyhopper
**T-47 airspeeder
*Death Star
**DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
***Detention Block AA-23
**Death Star II
*Sail barge
*Speeder bike
**A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter
**BTL Y-wing starfighter
**RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
**TIE/IN interceptor
**TIE/LN starfighter
**X-wing starfighter
**Z-95 Headhunter
**CR90 corvette
***Tantive IV
***Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
****Home One
**Escape pod
**Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft
***Slave I
***Light freighter
****Sublight Queen
****Wedge Antilles's freighter
****YT-1300 light freighter
*****Millennium Falcon
**Ithorian Herdship
***Tafanda Bay
**Imperial Patrol Frigate
**Ore hauler
**Passenger liner
***Kuari Princess
**Prison barge
**Rand Ecliptic
**Star Destroyer
***Imperial-class Star Destroyer
***Super Star Destroyer
***GR-75 medium transport
****Bright Hope
**All Terrain Armored Transport
**All Terrain Scout Transport
| |
| - *Aqualish
*Kowakian monkey-lizard
*Mon Calamari
*Stennes Shifter
*Tusken Raider
- *Aqualish
*Kowakian monkey-lizard
*Mon Calamari
*Stennes Shifter
*Tusken Raider
| |
| - Справочник по Оригинальной трилогии
- Справочник по Оригинальной трилогии
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| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
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book title
| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
| - *Admiral
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Advisory Council
***Chief Military Advisor
**Alliance High Command
**Alliance Fleet
**Endor strike team
**Gold Squadron
**Historian Corp
**Rebel pilot
**Rebel trooper
**Red Squadron
**Rogue Squadron
***Rogue Three
**Supreme Commander
*Arakyd Industries
*Baron Administrator
*Bespin Wing Guard
*Big-game hunter
*Bounty hunter
*Con artist
*Crime lord
*Cybot Galactica
*Dark Jedi
*Dark Lord of the Sith
*Ferini team
*Flight Commander
*Flight Lieutenant
*Galactic Empire
**Death Star trooper
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Admiral
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Academy
**Imperial Advisor
**Imperial Army
***Imperial Army trooper
**Imperial gunner
**Imperial High Command
**Imperial Intelligence
***Analysis Bureau
**Imperial Navy
***TIE pilot
**Imperial officer
**Imperial Prefect
**Imperial Security Bureau
**Imperial Senate
**Logistics and Supply
**New Order
***Aquatic assault stormtrooper
***Cold assault stormtrooper
****Blizzard Force
***Desert stormtrooper
****Desert Sands
***Radiation zone assault trooper
***Scout trooper
***Storm commandos
***Zero-G assault stormtrooper
**Thundering Herd
**Vehicle Command Crewer
*Galactic News Service
*Galactic Republic
**Grand Army of the Republic
*Galaxy Tours
*Galalloy Industries
*Herd leader
*Heroes of Yavin
*Holowan Laboratories
*Holowan Mechanicals
*House of Organa
*Imperial News Bureau
*Industrial Automaton
*Information broker
*Ithorian Elders
*Jedi Knight
*Jedi Master
*Kuat Systems Engineering
**Death Watch
*Master Historian
*Moisture farmer
*New Republic
**Inner Council
**New Republic Council Research
*Officer Candidate School
*Ryloth Clan
*Scout lance
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Sullustan Home Guard
*Sun Guard
*Swoop gang
*Veril Line Systems
- *Admiral
*Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Advisory Council
***Chief Military Advisor
**Alliance High Command
**Alliance Fleet
**Endor strike team
**Gold Squadron
**Historian Corp
**Rebel pilot
**Rebel trooper
**Red Squadron
**Rogue Squadron
***Rogue Three
**Supreme Commander
*Arakyd Industries
*Baron Administrator
*Bespin Wing Guard
*Big-game hunter
*Bounty hunter
*Con artist
*Crime lord
*Cybot Galactica
*Dark Jedi
*Dark Lord of the Sith
*Ferini team
*Flight Commander
*Flight Lieutenant
*Galactic Empire
**Death Star trooper
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Admiral
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Academy
**Imperial Advisor
**Imperial Army
***Imperial Army trooper
**Imperial gunner
**Imperial High Command
**Imperial Intelligence
***Analysis Bureau
**Imperial Navy
***TIE pilot
**Imperial officer
**Imperial Prefect
**Imperial Security Bureau
**Imperial Senate
**Logistics and Supply
**New Order
***Aquatic assault stormtrooper
***Cold assault stormtrooper
****Blizzard Force
***Desert stormtrooper
****Desert Sands
***Radiation zone assault trooper
***Scout trooper
***Storm commandos
***Zero-G assault stormtrooper
**Thundering Herd
**Vehicle Command Crewer
*Galactic News Service
*Galactic Republic
**Grand Army of the Republic
*Galaxy Tours
*Galalloy Industries
*Herd leader
*Heroes of Yavin
*Holowan Laboratories
*Holowan Mechanicals
*House of Organa
*Imperial News Bureau
*Industrial Automaton
*Information broker
*Ithorian Elders
*Jedi Knight
*Jedi Master
*Kuat Systems Engineering
**Death Watch
*Master Historian
*Moisture farmer
*New Republic
**Inner Council
**New Republic Council Research
*Officer Candidate School
*Ryloth Clan
*Scout lance
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Sullustan Home Guard
*Sun Guard
*Swoop gang
*Veril Line Systems
| |
| - *Droide
**Droide assassino
***Série IG
****Droide assassino IG-88
**Droide astromecânico
***Droide astromecânico série
***Droide astromecânico série R5
**Supervisor série EV/droide interrogador
**Droide de primeiro grau
**Droide de interrogação
***Interrogador IT-O
**Droide médico
***Droide cirúrgico 2-1B
**Droide de força
***Droide de força EG-6
**Droide sonda
***Droide sonda Viper
**Droide de protocolo
***Droide de protocolo série 3PO
***Droide de protocolo série LOM
**Droide de vigilância
- *Droid
**Assassin droid
****IG-88 assassin droid
**Astromech droid
***R2-series astromech droid
***R5-series astromech droid
**EV-series supervisor/interrogator droid
**First-degree droid
**Interrogation droid
***IT-O Interrogator
**Medical droid
***2-1B surgical droid
**Power droid
***EG-6 power droid
**Probe droid
***Viper probe droid
**Protocol droid
***3PO-series protocol droid
***LOM-series protocol droid
**Surveillance droid
| - *Alderaan
*Alis Point
*Anoat system
**The High Stakes Casino
**Cloud City
***Holiday Towers
***Port Town
*Bestine system
**Bestine IV
**Kestic Station
*Bilbringi system
*Core Worlds
*Corellian system
**Agrilat Region
**Creative Surgery - The Cutting Edge
**Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station
*Corporate Sector
*Culroon III
*Dalron Five
**Bright Tree Village
**Endor shield generator bunker
**Yawari Cliffs
*Fakir sector
*Galvoni III
**Imperial military communications complex
*Gandolo IV
*Greater Plooriod Cluster
**Trans-system data storage library
**Bevel Lemelisk's Hefi retreat
*Hindasar system
*Horuz system
*Hoth system
***Echo Base
****Station 3-7
***North Ridge
*Kalist VI
**Kalist Base
*Kwenn Space Station
*Mandalore system
*Nal Hutta
**Nentan checkpoint base
**Nentan wastes
*Ord Mantell
*Outer Rim Territories
**Sluis sector
***Dagobah system
*Seswenna sector
*Sluis Van
*Sullust system
*Tandell system
**Wor Tandell
***Imperial governor's mansion
*Tarsunt system
*Tatoo system
**Tatoo I
**Tatoo II
****Beggar's Canyon
****Dune Sea
****Great Pit of Carkoon
****Jabba's Palace
****Jundland Wastes
*****Ben Kenobi's hut
****Lars homestead
****Mos Eisley
*****Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
*****Docking Bay 83
*****Docking Bay 94
*****Momaw Nadon's house
*****Regional Government Offices
*Tierfon Rebel Outpost
*Unknown Regions
*Uvena system
*Yavin Prime
**Yavin 4
***Great Temple (Yavin 4)
*Yuga 2
**Yuga Planetary Park
- *Alderaan
*Alis Point
*Anoat system
**The High Stakes Casino
**Cloud City
***Holiday Towers
***Port Town
*Bestine system
**Bestine IV
**Kestic Station
*Bilbringi system
*Core Worlds
*Corellian system
**Agrilat Region
**Creative Surgery - The Cutting Edge
**Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station
*Corporate Sector
*Culroon III
*Dalron Five
**Bright Tree Village
**Endor shield generator bunker
**Yawari Cliffs
*Fakir sector
*Galvoni III
**Imperial military communications complex
*Gandolo IV
*Greater Plooriod Cluster
**Trans-system data storage library
**Bevel Lemelisk's Hefi retreat
*Hindasar system
*Horuz system
*Hoth system
***Echo Base
****Station 3-7
***North Ridge
*Kalist VI
**Kalist Base
*Kwenn Space Station
*Mandalore system
*Nal Hutta
**Nentan checkpoint base
**Nentan wastes
*Ord Mantell
*Outer Rim Territories
**Sluis sector
***Dagobah system
*Seswenna sector
*Sluis Van
*Sullust system
*Tandell system
**Wor Tandell
***Imperial governor's mansion
*Tarsunt system
*Tatoo system
**Tatoo I
**Tatoo II
****Beggar's Canyon
****Dune Sea
****Great Pit of Carkoon
****Jabba's Palace
****Jundland Wastes
*****Ben Kenobi's hut
****Lars homestead
****Mos Eisley
*****Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
*****Docking Bay 83
*****Docking Bay 94
*****Momaw Nadon's house
*****Regional Government Offices
*Tierfon Rebel Outpost
*Unknown Regions
*Uvena system
*Yavin Prime
**Yavin 4
***Great Temple (Yavin 4)
*Yuga 2
**Yuga Planetary Park
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| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
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| - The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook was a roleplaying guide published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was written by Grant S. Boucher and Michael Stern, and was first published in September of 1993. The book summarizes and details the events of the original trilogy of Star Wars movies. It integrates information from three of the West End Games Galaxy Guides—Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, and Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi—into one volume, updated for the Second Edition rules.