| - Octo is a boss found in Breath of Fire.
- Octo, also known as The Water Recycler and The Watery Wonder, is a character in Moshi Monsters. She is a recycling queen and has her own game called Octo's Eco Adventure, where she saves the ocean from pollution. She hangs out at the Port, where she recycles water and is often spotted entering long distance spraying contests.
- Octo was first introduced in the Duel Masters Zero: Episode Listing season of the Duel Masters Anime.
- Octo is a character from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. He is a red Octorok who serves as the pitcher in the Octoball Derby mini-game found in Lorule's Haunted Grove. If Link accidentally hits one of the balls back at him while he is pitching, he becomes angry and shoots out another ball much faster than the last one. Before the game begins, Octo taunts Link and dares him to take him on. He tells him that he is aiming for the big leagues. As a result, he is very proud of his hat, which he claims is official big league apparel.
- Octo was born on the same day as his group and was one of the strongest and bravest troopers in his group. His birth time was 7:54pm. He was the leader of his group and was also more intelligent than other members of his group. Troopers helped him because he when he was a kid [sic].
- Octo is a senior officer and drunk of the crew Walking On Water and member of the flag Don't Panic. He sails the Midnight Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Style: Likes to do eight different things at once! Fact: Was once accused of having 2 left feet, but she actually has four! This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Octo is one of the protagonists and Howie's best friend on Almost Naked Animals. He has numerous fears and had occasionally inked his bed, as it is hinted in one point of the show. Octo also shares the same room as Howie (which has Dirk Danger posters on it). Octo is also friends with Bunny, Piggy and Narwhal.
- Octo (はっちゃん, Hatchan), Octy dans l'anime, est un Homme-Poisson pieuvre. Il a fait partit de l'équipage du Soleil pour ensuite rejoindre celui d'Arlong à la mort de Fisher Tiger.
- Special Part(s): GD_Weap_Shotgun.A_Weapons_Unique.SG_Tediore_3_Octo GD_Weap_Shotgun.Barrel.SG_Barrel_Tediore_Octo GD_Weap_Shotgun.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Tediore_3_Octo [Octo Variants] Octo is a unique Tediore shotgun. Octo is obtained from the missions Slap Happy in Borderlands 2 and Lab 19 in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
- Wario devra l'affronter dans le Rocher de la Tortue. Pour le vaincre Wario devra d'abord toucher son bouton lumineux sur la tête. Une fois ceci fait, il se mettra à tourner en faisant apparaître un autre bouton lumineux mais cette fois ci sous son corps. Wario devra de nouveau le toucher à cette endroit pour pouvoir le blesser. Wario devra répéter cette opération plusieurs fois afin qu'Octo soit vaincu et libère l'accès à son trésor.