| - Mary: Here we are. Drake: This is an Aether Foundation house. Jon: An Aether Foundation house? Drake: It's a little house where they look after injured Pokemon. April: Aww, cute. Wicke: Hello there, my name is Wicke. Jon: Hello there. I'm Jon and this is my partner Typhlosion. Typhlosion: Ty. Mary: I'm Mary. April: I'm April, and this is my boyfriend. Drake: Hey, my name is Drake. Wicke: Are you all interested in the Aether house? Mary: Yes, we are. Wicke: Then why not have a look inside. Wicke: This is Acerola, she helps out here. Acerola: Hello there. Jon: I'm Jon. Drake: Hello there. Jon: A Trial Captain?
| - Mary: Here we are. Drake: This is an Aether Foundation house. Jon: An Aether Foundation house? Drake: It's a little house where they look after injured Pokemon. April: Aww, cute. Wicke: Hello there, my name is Wicke. Jon: Hello there. I'm Jon and this is my partner Typhlosion. Typhlosion: Ty. Mary: I'm Mary. April: I'm April, and this is my boyfriend. Drake: Hey, my name is Drake. Wicke: Are you all interested in the Aether house? Mary: Yes, we are. Wicke: Then why not have a look inside. Wicke: This is Acerola, she helps out here. Acerola: Hello there. Jon: I'm Jon. Wicke: And these are his friends, Drake, Mary and April. Drake: Hello there. Acerola: I'm also a Trial Captain. Jon: A Trial Captain? Drake: Remember Ilima? Jon: Yeah. Oh right, he is a trial captain, yet I never actually battled him. Acerola: As Trial Captain's, we make a trial for our challengers to complete. And sometimes we battle them afterwards. Mary: I see. But not every Trial Captain wants to? Acerola: It depends. Not a lot of them do. April: Shame, as I think you would be a great person to battle against Jon. Jon: Really? Drake: What happened? Wicke: A flock of wild Spearow attacked Snorunt. Mary: That's horrible. April: How are you Snorunt? Jon: Who is that? It looks like a Sandshrew. Drake: It is, its an Alolan Sandshrew. Mary: Alolan Sandshrew are Ice and Steel type. Jon: Oh, I see. Wicke: Here we look after injured Pokemon and then release them to the wild once they are ready. April: I see. Acerola: I help out from time to time if I'm not busy looking after the trial site. Jon: Where is the trial site, as its the next trial I need to face. Acerola: The trial site is in the Thrifty Megamart on near Route 14. Drake: Okay, so this is where we need to go next. Boy: I found this Goomy nearby. Wicke: Let's have a look. Wicke: Goomy is just exhausted. Boy: Thank god for that. Acerola: This isn't the first Pokemon who has been injured through battling. Wicke: It's how Snorunt got injured too. Acerola: Yeah. Jon: Is there a Pokemon nearby or something that attacks other Pokemon? Wicke: No. Not that we know off. Goomy: My, Goomy, Goo. Mary: What is Goomy saying? Jon: Goomy said a woman with a strong Pokemon attacked. Acerola: How do you know that? April: Jon can understand Pokemon language. Wicke: Really? Incredible. Jon: I've had it since I was born. Acerola: Amazing. April: But a female with a Pokemon attacking other Pokemon. Mary: Who is this female? Girl: This woman just attacked this Yungoos! She is outside. Jon: Let's go. April: Who are you? Tanya: I'm Tanya. Mary: Why are you attacking the wild Pokemon? Tanya: Because I can. I want to make all the Pokemon fear me. Wicke: That is just mean. Drake: What Pokemon do you use? Jon: Who is that? Rotom-Dex: Decidueye, the Arrow Quill Pokemon and the final form of Rowlet. Decidueye is a Grass and Ghost type. It fires arrow quills from its wings with such precision, they can pierce a pebble at distances over a hundred yards. Drake: So Dartrix goes from a Grass and Flying type to Grass and Ghost type. Jon: Seems so. April: Battle me! Tanya: You sure you want to get your butt kicked! Jon: April, are you sure about this? April: I have to. I have to do it for the Pokemon attacked by her. Tanya: You aren't wise. Drake: You sure you want to use a Rock type? April: Can't you trust me on this? Jon: If you are sure, then go for it. Tanya: Leaf Blade! April: Lycanroc! Use Bite! Tanya: Spirit Shackle! Tanya: Leaf Blade! Mary: Does she have this? Jon: I know her plan. Drake: You do? April: Counter! April: What? Jon: Decidueye is a Ghost type, Counter is a Fighting type which doesn't affect Ghost types. Tanya: I can't believe you tried that. April: Accelerock! Drake: There isn't much that April and Lycanroc can do. Tanya: Frenzy Plant! April: Lycanroc! Jon: April, now is your chance! Tanya: What chance does she have? Jon: Frenzy Plant is a move which needs the user to recharge. Drake: So now is your chance! April: Thunder Fang! Tanya: No! April: Bite! April: Accelerock! Tanya: Argh. Jon: Now. Tanya: No! Drake: Well done. April: Snorunt? Snorunt: Runt! Jon: Snorunt has got a liking for you. April: Really? Wicke: I think that you should go with her. Jon: Well April? April: Sure. April: Here we go. Mary: Well done April! Jon: A new Pokemon. April: Thanks. Wicke: I'm happy for you. April: Now we can head to your trial site. Jon: Awesome! Narrator: Our heroes arrived at the Aether house and met Wicke and the Trial Captain Acerola. A few Pokemon were brought to the Aether House and soon a woman with a Decidueye was shown as the enemy, but luckily April defeated her. Now our heroes are heading towards the next trial site.