| - Zeke’s acerbic companion and guardian, Ravenna isn’t the sweetest of people. But in a fight, there’s no one better at your back. Half human and half Kalios demon, she’s a shapeshifter who can become a raven. According to Sherrilyn Kenyon's website, she is not the same Ravenna mentioned in Time Untime.
- Ravenna was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in orbit of the Alpha Marak 272 star system, at coordinates 6.02N 3.49E. In the 23rd century, Ravenna was home to a Federation colony, a noted center of agriculture. By reference stardate 2/2306.01, the world had a population of 2.98 billion individuals of various races and cultures, and the government was a full-status colonial member of the Federation. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- Ravenna (nicknamed Raven) is a short-tempered, clumsy robot-like alien from the Planet Altair of the Aquila System that can assume a human form. She is shown to be serious and hardworking, but is used to daydream a lot and is super fast!
- Ravenna, born as Iris DuMont, is a 9th generation Follower of Set and the high priestess of the Setite temple of Washington D.C.
- Ravenna is a Clothing importer in Marchutan Priory.
- Ravenna (dall'egizio Ravh ehn nah ovvero dolore e disperazione) è il luogo di villeggiatura dove ci si deve fermare prima di accedere al mondo infernale basato sulla religione in cui si crede, in quanto vi è situato l'unico portale infernale universale esistente. È infatti nota per località di villeggiatura come "Porto S.Vitale" (siccome se vi resistete all'aria aperta, vi faranno Santi) e "Villa Inferno", quest'ultima dotata di terme pubbliche che riversano sale d'ammonio a intervalli regolari quasi quanto un geyser.
- Ravenna was the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
- Discovered in 2505, this world was originally claimed by Windsor-Hapsburgs, Mountbattens, Hawkwoods and First Republic conglomerates. By the 28th century, most of world was under Hawkwood control. It was visited by Prophet Zebulon 2899, and its inhabitants became fervant converts. It is the most devout and conservative of Hawkwood worlds. Famously, Saint Cato (Lord Cato Hawkwood) crashed a ship full of pilgrims into the jumpgate in emulation of the Prophet's death.
- Ravenna is located north of Ravenna Park between 15th Ave NE and 25th Ave NE. It is surrounded by the neighborhoods of Roosevelt, Wedgewood, Bryant, and the University District. Ravenna Park is a deep woodsy ravine following Ravenna Creek from the playfield to the east to Cowen park on the west side where it flows underground. The 15th Ave. and 20th Ave. bridges cross Ravenna park. The 20th Ave. bridge is closed to automobile traffic and provides a bike and pedestrian path across the ravine connecting Ravenna and the University District. One of the best city parks in Seattle. It's worth a visit. Some of the local LARPers play there on weekends, so watch out for their plastic swords and missiles.