| - If you ask a diplomat exactly why his country is behaving in a ruthless manner, he will usually, if you can blast your way through all the skillful deflections and rhetoric, respond with this argument: "We're protecting our interests. It is what every other nation is doing, and what every nation should be doing." This line of philosophy is essentially Nice Guys Finish Last among nations, and has been around since two groups of people got together and decided that there were issues which could only be resolved by one side getting what they wanted at the expense of the other. If you ask The Empire, "Why are you taking over our country?" they will respond, "To make sure the other empire doesn't first." Proponents of this way of thinking would say that there are a lot of big, nasty nations out there, and that if you try being nice, your rivals will simply exploit this, so you must always further your interests where you can as no one else will. Besides, if you try to "help", you could be accused of interfering with the business of other nations to further your own influence. Critics would, of course, point out that it is this kind of thinking which perpetuates tensions and wars among nations, and that it is essentially "Might Makes Right" as a political philosophy. A follower of this philosophy would be content to be nothing more than A Hero to His Hometown. Compare and contrast Hobbes Was Right. Examples of Realpolitik include: