| - Melakon était un Fürher Député Ekosien sur la planète Ekos dans un système stellaire non-nommé dans les années 2260.
- Melakon was a villain from Star Trek: The Original Series, a humanlike alien who was part of a Neo-Nazi regime formed by John Gill, a misguided Starfleet officer and historian who believed that the philosophy could do good for society, despite its many flaws. Melakon was not so keen on this attempt to soften Nazism, however, and decided to go down the same dark path that Hitler did on Earth - drugging Gill and effectively taking his place so as to try and orchestrate his own version of the Holocaust upon a neighboring world.
- Melakon was an Ekosian man who lived on the planet Ekos during the 23rd century. Melakon rose to the title of his civilization's deputy führer in the 2260s before being killed in a power struggle that he himself precipitated. Melakon was played by actor Skip Homeier.
- thumb|Melakon (2268) Melakon ist der Stellvertreter des Führers auf dem Planeten Ekos. Als der Beobachter der Föderation John Gill, unter Missachtung der obersten Direktive, ein kulturelles Experiment auf Ekos durchführt und dabei ein diktatorisches Herrschaftssystem nach dem Vorbild des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands einführt, wird Melakon der Stellvertreter des Führers. Schnell eignet sich Melakon die negativsten Aspekte der nationalsozialistischen Weltanschauung an, bringt Gills gute Absichten zum Scheitern, und übernimmt die Macht auf Ekos. John Gill wird von Melakon mit Medikamenten ruhig gestellt.
- Melakon was the Ekosian Deputy Führer on the planet Ekos, in an unnamed star system. Ekos was culturally contaminated by the Federation's observer, professor John Gill, in the mid-2260s. Gill abandoned the non-interference policy, and created a Nazi-style world government in which he was the Führer. Melakon became his Deputy Führer, and quickly assumed the worst aspects of the Nazi philosophy, destroying Gill's good intentions and taking real command of the state. Melakon was played by Skip Homeier.
| - Melakon was a villain from Star Trek: The Original Series, a humanlike alien who was part of a Neo-Nazi regime formed by John Gill, a misguided Starfleet officer and historian who believed that the philosophy could do good for society, despite its many flaws. Melakon was not so keen on this attempt to soften Nazism, however, and decided to go down the same dark path that Hitler did on Earth - drugging Gill and effectively taking his place so as to try and orchestrate his own version of the Holocaust upon a neighboring world. When Kirk and Spock aided Gill to expose Melakon as a usurper, he took to arms and killed Gill with a machine gun. Melakon was in turn shot in the stomach by an immigrant from the world he had sought to destroy, killing him. Melakon, while utterly ruthless and embodying the worst of Nazi philosophy, did not seem to be able to hold as much sway over his people as Hitler did and many of his own kind were considering rebelling against him even before he was exposed as a traitor; he was served by the equally savage Ekosian SS.
- Melakon was an Ekosian man who lived on the planet Ekos during the 23rd century. Melakon rose to the title of his civilization's deputy führer in the 2260s before being killed in a power struggle that he himself precipitated. When United Federation of Planets observer Professor John Gill violated the Prime Directive with an experiment that attempted to set up a benign version of a Nazi government, with himself as führer, Melakon became Gill's chief subordinate. Melakon became deputy führer, and quickly improvised exactly the worst aspects of the Nazi philosophy, destroying Gill's good intentions and taking command of the state for himself. At first Gill's experimental government seemed to work well, but much of this changed when Melakon began manipulating the Ekosian people into the same policy of brutal racial supremacy practiced by the original Nazis. In the case of Ekos, the main target of Ekosian aggression was the civilization of their planetary neighbor Zeon. Much like what was done to the Jews on Earth, Melakon ordered Zeons expelled from Ekos, or worse, rounded up into camps. Melakon made Zeons scapegoats for Ekos' problems and declared them a threat. With technology elicited from Gill, Melakon rapidly upgraded Ekosian weapons. By 2268 the Final Decision, a genocidal invasion of the Zeon planet, was ready. Gill was turned into a puppet, drugged and helpless as the worst excesses of his Nazi party came to light. The Federation, having lost contact with Gill, sent the USS Enterprise to the planet to investigate what had happened to Gill. Upon learning of the situation Gill's tampering had brought about, Captain James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock attempted to rectify the damage to the society of Ekos before an attack against the Zeon homeworld was begun. They found an underground alliance of Zeons and Ekosians had formed, including high-level Nazi party members who wanted no part in the genocide. Doctor McCoy and Mr. Spock were able to help revive Gill from his catatonic state. Gill went on state television to also apologize to the Zeon people for what had happened, and he ordered a halt to the attack against the Zeon homeworld. Gill then went on to reveal that Melakon had usurped power, and was a traitor. Melakon responded by firing a machine gun into Gill's room, mortally wounding Gill. Melakon was then shot by the Zeon Isak, and Chairman Eneg kept Isak from being killed in retaliation. As he died in the arms of former student James T. Kirk, Gill admitted that he made a terrible mistake, that the non-interference directive was the correct way of dealing with less advanced people. The incident would come to be regarded as a textbook example of the importance of the Prime Directive. Melakon's Ekosian tyranny was soon replaced by a more benign state. (TOS episode & Star Trek 12 novelization: Patterns of Force) Melakon was played by actor Skip Homeier.
- thumb|Melakon (2268) Melakon ist der Stellvertreter des Führers auf dem Planeten Ekos. Als der Beobachter der Föderation John Gill, unter Missachtung der obersten Direktive, ein kulturelles Experiment auf Ekos durchführt und dabei ein diktatorisches Herrschaftssystem nach dem Vorbild des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands einführt, wird Melakon der Stellvertreter des Führers. Schnell eignet sich Melakon die negativsten Aspekte der nationalsozialistischen Weltanschauung an, bringt Gills gute Absichten zum Scheitern, und übernimmt die Macht auf Ekos. John Gill wird von Melakon mit Medikamenten ruhig gestellt. Melakon nutzt die Anwesenheit von Zeonern, analog zu Hitlers Vorgehen gegen die Juden, auf Ekos um sie zu Sündenböcken für die Probleme des Planeten zu machen und sie als Gefahr darzustellen, die beseitigt werden müsse. Mithilfe der von Gill entwickelten Technologie, lässt Melakon die ekosianischen Waffensysteme aufrüsten. 2268 sind die Planungen für die Endlösung, eine Invasion von Zeon, abgeschlossen und stehen kurz vor ihrer Realisierung. Durch das Eintreffen der USS Enterprise werden seine Pläne jedoch vereitelt. James T. Kirk, Spock und Leonard McCoy können John Gill heilen und ihn überzeugen, die Invasionspläne zu verwerfen. Daraufhin erschießt Melakon John Gill mit einer Maschinenpistole, ehe er selbst vom Zeoner Isak mit einer Pistole erschossen wird. (TOS: ) Melakon wurde von Skip Homeier gespielt und von Frank-Otto Schenk synchronisiert.
- Melakon was the Ekosian Deputy Führer on the planet Ekos, in an unnamed star system. Ekos was culturally contaminated by the Federation's observer, professor John Gill, in the mid-2260s. Gill abandoned the non-interference policy, and created a Nazi-style world government in which he was the Führer. Melakon became his Deputy Führer, and quickly assumed the worst aspects of the Nazi philosophy, destroying Gill's good intentions and taking real command of the state. Melakon used the presence of Zeons on Ekos in much the same way as Adolf Hitler used the Jews of Germany and Europe; he made them scapegoats for Ekos' problems and declared them a threat to be eliminated. With the technology elicited from Gill, Melakon rapidly upgraded Ekosian weapons. By 2268 the Final Decision, a genocidal invasion of the planet Zeon, was ready for deployment. The USS Enterprise, assigned to discover what had happened to Gill, arrived at Ekos just before the launch of the Final Decision. The intervention of Kirk, Spock and McCoy roused the drugged Gill in time to halt the invasion. Melakon's regime proved to be weaker than the German model; the Nazi government and "Final Decision" was not embraced by all of Ekos. An underground alliance of Zeons and Ekosians had formed, including high-level Nazi party members who wanted no part in the genocide. When Gill ordered a halt in the invasion and declared Melakon a traitor, Melakon shot him with a machine gun for ruining his plans. In return, the Zeon immigrant Isak killed him by shooting him in the stomach with a pistol. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) Melakon was played by Skip Homeier.
- Melakon était un Fürher Député Ekosien sur la planète Ekos dans un système stellaire non-nommé dans les années 2260.