| - The Vhas'Ni, also known as the Dominators, were an ancient and extinct species that inhabited the galaxy hundreds of thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Republic. The Vhas'Ni were one of the five founding species of the Dawnstar Pact. According to the Kathol Soulkeeper Epizon, the Vhas'Ni were a warrior society steeped in military tradition and reverence. Although not specifically considered to be a race of conquerors, they were considered to have patrolled their space with fierce control and rigidly-maintained order. The Vhas'Ni prized martial might and fortitude and regularly tested themselves against one another in competitive contests of strength and battle prowess. In line with their nature, the Vhas'Ni were known to possess exceptional physical strength and resilience against harm. A tribal society heavily steeped in accounts of valor for individuals which brought honor and recognition to the tribes the warriors belonged to, the Vhas'Ni looked down on the Force as "dishonest strength", although only in regards to such Force-sensitive individuals appearing among their species; the Vhas'Ni cared little for the state and conditions of other races, even after becoming founding members of the Dawnstar Pact. Similar to the Hutts and Toydarians, the Vhas'Ni were immune to Force-induced mental manipulation and even telepathy. What was widely considered to be the greatest traits of the Vhan'Ni were their biopsychometry and abnormally potent ability to absorb, comprehend and apply learned information, resulting in an extraordinarily powerful ability to learn. Due to a biological process unknown even by the Kathol, the Vhas'Ni physiology could read memories and experiences as genetic markers within the DNA of biological entities, enabling a Vhas'Ni to perceive the experiences of other creatures. Among their people, the Vhas'Ni utilized their biopsychometry in conjunction with their hyper-developed learning capacities to rapidly learn skills, languages, and attain other information effectively with the least amount of time. Recorded as the "youngest" race of the five, the Vhas'Ni's ability to pass down information freely amongst themselves resulted in their rapid development as a civilization. The Vhas'Ni eventually fell into extinction, either at some point prior to, or during, the rise of the Rakatan Infinite Empire.