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- Charlie Pace was previously in the one hit wonder band "Drive SHAFT", which he had formed with his brother Liam. After arguments about royalties and the pursuit of drugs, the band parted ways. Charlie was aboard Flight 815 after trying to convince Liam to reform the band.
- Charlie Pace is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.
- 'Charlie Hieronymus Pace era uno dei 48 sopravvissuti della sezione centrale del volo Oceanic 815. Prima dell'impatto era il bassista della rock band Drive Shaft. Al momento dello schianto del volo 815, Charlie stava facendo uso di eroina in uno dei bagni dell'aereo. La sua dipendenza dalla droga è stata l'ostacolo più grande della sua vita. Come per molti altri Losties l'impatto ha fornito a Charlie la possibilità di redimersi e espiare le sue colpe. Sull'isola egli stringe una relazione con Claire Littleton affezionandosi a lei e a suo figlio Aaron.
- Charlie Hieronymus Pace é um sobrevivente da parte intermediária do voo 815. Antes do acidente, Charlie era o segundo vocalista e baixista da banda Drive Shaft. Seu vício em heroína, e sua falta de controle, foram os maiores obstáculos na vida. Depois de algum tempo, aplicando golpes apenas para conseguir dinheiro para drogas, Charlie percebeu que o que realmente queria, era formar uma familia. Mas, ele não era maturo o suficiente para deixar as drogas. Durante o acidente do voo 815, Charlie estava no banheiro, usando heroína. Na Ilha, foi obrigado a deixar seu vício, e com isso, conseguiu formar um relacionamento com Claire Littleton e seu filho, Aaron. Porém, após alguns dias, ele encontrou heroína num monomotor na Ilha e sofreu recaídas.
- Charlie Pace był rozbitkiem ze środkowej części Lotu 815. Przed katastrofą grał na basie i śpiewał w zespole Drive Shaft. Był narkomanem (gdy samolot zaczął się rozpadać zażywał heroinę w toalecie). Jak i dla wielu zagubionych, dla Charliego rozbicie się było szansą na nowe życie. Na Wyspie bardzo zaprzyjaźnił się z Claire.
- Charlie Heroes noms us Pace is a baby-stealing, drug-taking, whining Pom. He is one of the most loved characters in the series. This is because of his death, which many fans saw as one of the greatest moments of the show (but mainly due to having Mikhail, Penny, and Desmond all in the same scene). Charlie spent most of the early days on the Island playing guitar and chasing around Locke. When Locke got a new buddy, Charlie hung out with Claire. When Claire got a new buddy, Charlie hung out with Eko. When Eko got a new buddy, Charlie hung out with Desmond. Then he died. However, Charlie was reborn as Charlie Hume (The Son of Desmond and Penny). Charlie had all his memories from the Island, but was trapped in an infants body - unable to speak. If he could speak, he'd probably say something l
- Charlie Hieronymus Pace era un superviviente de la sección central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Antes del accidente, Charlie era el bajista y la segunda voz del grupo Drive Shaft. Por otra parte, su adicción a las drogas y sus dudas fueron los mayores obstáculos en su vida. Como a muchos de los supervivientes, el accidente proporcionó a Charlie un nuevo comienzo, aunque murió en un heroico intento por lograr que sus compañeros fueran rescatados. En la Isla, Charlie inició una relación con Claire Littleton.
- Charlie Hieronymus Pace was a survivor from the middle section of Oceanic Flight 815. Before the crash, he was the bassist and principal songwriter for the rock band Drive Shaft. He was addicted to heroin, but he kicked the habit on the island. He also suffered from self-doubt before the crash, but he formed new relationships on the island, including a friendship with Hurley and a romantic relationship with Claire Littleton. In the flash-sideways, he was reunited with his lover, Claire Littleton after she gave birth to Aaron, and along with their friends, they moved on.
- Charlie Hieronymus Pace ist einer der Überlebenden der Rumpfsektion von Oceanic Flug 815. Vor dem Absturz war er Bassist und Songschreiber bei der Rockband Drive Shaft. Seine Drogensucht und sein geschwächtes Selbstvertrauen sind die größten Hürden in seinem Leben. Wie für die meisten anderen Überlebenden stellt der Flugzeugabsturz einen Neustart für Charlie dar. Auf der Insel entwickelt er eine Beziehung mit Claire Littleton und ihrem Sohn Aaron.