Gold charms are the most common to be dropped, and are used for training summoning.
Gold charms worden gebruikt in de Summoning skill om Summoning Pouches te maken. Je kunt gold charms als drop krijgen van allerlei monsters. Ook ontvang je 275 gold charms als beloning voor de Wolf Whistle quest. Dit is van de 4 basis charms de laagste. Hij wordt vooral veel gebruikt op een laag level.
Gold charm (runescape) brukes i Summoning til å kalle frem visse skapninger (Familiars). De kan fåes som et monster drop. Du vil også motta 275 Gold charms for å fullføre Wolf Whistle quest. Alle pouches ("pose" man tilkaller Familiars med) som bruker Gold charm bruker 1-14 spirit shards og gir 4.8-93.2 XP hver avhengig av hvilken pouch man bruker. Gold charm blir hovedsakelig brukt til å trene Summoning ved lav til moderat nivå. Det finnes også flere charm, og de fire type vanlige charms er: gold charms, green charms, crimson charms og blue charms.
Two gold charms and 25 vibrant energy can be transmuted into one green charm with level 64 Divination.
Gold charm on käytössä kutsuttaessa tiettyjä olentoja kutsuntataidossa. Sitä tarvitaan kutsuntapussien teossa seuraaville olennoille
* Arctic bear
* Barker toad
* Bull ant
* Dreadfowl
* Granite crab
* Pack Yak
* Spirit spider
* Thornu snail
* Spirit terrorbird
* Spirit wolf
* War tortoise Gold charmia niin kuin ei muitakaan charmeja ei voi ostaa eikä myydä.
Common ways to obtain gold charms are as a drop from various monsters, hunting charm sprites, and thieving Dorgesh-Kaan Rich Chests. A less used but effective way of obtaining Gold Charms is to hunt Gelatinous Abominations, located in the Taverley Slayer Dungeon southeast of the Slayer master, Turael (or Spria). It is possible to receive multiple charms in one drop from higher levelled opponents. As gold charms give between 4.8 to 93.2 experience each depending on the pouch made, they are not as popular with higher levelled summoners as other charms due to their lower experience rates.