| - The ship was captained by the handmaidens' ringleader Sabé Andierre. The engines were maintained by Ellé Okrest and Kitpat Arthi, the navigation and weapons by Losté and Ené, with Yané Carinda, who also acted as ship's doctor, helping out on the latter. Also on board were Lané Votorina and Morenjj Lasara, who did whatever else needed to be done, as the ship was seriously undermanned; the refugee passengers were also expected to aid in the running of the ship however possible.
| - The ship was captained by the handmaidens' ringleader Sabé Andierre. The engines were maintained by Ellé Okrest and Kitpat Arthi, the navigation and weapons by Losté and Ené, with Yané Carinda, who also acted as ship's doctor, helping out on the latter. Also on board were Lané Votorina and Morenjj Lasara, who did whatever else needed to be done, as the ship was seriously undermanned; the refugee passengers were also expected to aid in the running of the ship however possible. In 2 BBY the Amidala and her crew officially became part of the Rebel Alliance, and for a brief while other crewmembers were introduced, but it was found that the ship worked more efficiently without them, after which they stayed as they were for two more years before being temporarily grounded on Yavin IV. The evacuation of the moon was the beginning of the last period of time where the Amidala's entire crew remained on the ship. Following the Battle of Skyrees in 1 ABY, most of the crew received promotions, and were assigned away from their old ship. By the time Hoth was evacuated in 3 ABY, the only person still assigned to the Amidala was Kitpat Arthi, although when he took the ship off the planet, he ended up taking Sabé and an injured Morenjj with him. With the three of them on board the ship was captured by Grand Moff Panaka, and while they were eventually rescued, the ship was absorbed back into the Imperial forces, and destroyed in a battle a few months later.