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| - Steven Rogers (Earth-1010)
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| - * The prototype of Cap's shield was created by Howard Stark, as it was in with the rest of the materials handed down to Tony. S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson wondered where it came from, and Tony ignored the question.
* General Ross talked about a "super soldier" when explaining how Bruce Banner became the Hulk.
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| - Christopher Markus; Stephen McFeely
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| - HYDRA; formerly Avengers, US Army, SSR, Invaders , Allies, S.H.I.E.L.D., S.T.R.I.K.E.
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| - Motorcycle: Rogers rides a specially designed, high-tech 1940's Harley Davidson motorcycle during WWII. It is not known who made the motorcycle but it can bee speculated to be Howard Stark. The motorcycle had dual front-mounted cannons, grappling lines, flamethrower in the rears, a side carrier for a standard issue rifle, and Rogers usually places his shield on the handle bars to protect him from on coming artillery.
It may have been capable to self destruct as it blew up upon crashing into the HYDRA base but it may also have been because of it's high velocity impact.
| - Master Combatant: Rogers is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple combat arts. Rogers was able to defeat every single opponent in hand to hand combat during WWII. In combination of his strength, his shield and his hand-to-hand combat skills made him an devastating opponent to any who who tries to attack him.
Master Shield Fighter: His experience during WWII with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.
Master Tactician and Strategist: He is an accomplished strategist. During WWII, Rogers led his own specially selected team of soldiers on many successful campaigns against multiple HYDRA bases and agents. He was the one who came up with the battle plan for the final attack the HYDRA site.
Advanced Military Operator: Rogers is well-versed in all Armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, escape arts, demolition, survival tactics, swimming, mountaineering, march or drill skills, map making, map reading, communication systems and vehicles used in armed forces.
Expert Sketch Artist: Rogers enjoys drawing and does so with his free time. He even adds humor and irony to his drawings as he sketched himself as a monkey in the original Captain America uniform.
Expert Marksman: Rogers can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim , and is well-versed in the use of firearms.
Weapons Proficiency: He does not typically utilize weapons other than his shield, but he has been shown to fire an M1911 colt pistol and a machine gun.
Expert Vehicular driver: He is proficient in driving cars, motor cycles, and aircrafts.
| - Steve Rogers, Cap, The Star Spangled Man with a Plan, The Captain, The Super Soldier, The Soldier, The Living Legend, The Man Out of Time, The Sentinel of Liberty, Captain Steve Rogers
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| - * Pistol : Cap carried a M1911 Colt Pistol, which was the standard issue Army sidearm during World War II.
* Enemy Assault Rifle : Cap made use of an enemy assault rifle while defending the helicarrier.
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| - Soldier, Captain in the U.S. Army
| - Captain America's Shield: A circular disk about 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds, it was made of a Vibranium, the rarest metal on Earth at the time. The amount of Virbranium used for Cap's shield is the all the Vibranium that the United States had access to. The Shield was made by Howard Stark. The shield is three times lighter than steel and negates large amounts of damage by absorbing vibrations. The shield had great aerodynamic properties: it was able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, enabled it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It was virtually indestructible: it was resistant to penetration, and extreme temperature extremes.
Uniform: Rogers and Howard Stark both designed the suit. It is made of carbon polymer and it offers a medium level of resistance to gunfire. The helmet also served as a mask. And allows for a sidearm. The shield can be attached to the back. Agent Coulson helped to design his initial "modern" suit. The "modern" suit does not allow for a sidearm. His second "modern" suit was totally different from his previous suits as it focused on stealth. The whole suit was dark blue, with three white lines and a star in the torso area. The helmet had the "A" on it as well, but it also allowed his ears to stick out. The suit allowed for a sidearm, and the shield could be attached to the back. During the final battle with the Winter Soldier, he also changed into another suit, a suit that reassembled his WWII uniform, only with a few minor changes.
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| - I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from.
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