Korean Manga Synopsis - Sixteen year old Kim Jai-Bae sacrificed her life to support her boyfriend, Shang Shi Jin, so he could become a successful singer. One day, Shang Shi Jin suddenly breaks up with Jai Bae-juk, leaving her with nothing, and Jang La-Na vows revenge. She decides to delve into the entertainment world and become even more successful than Shu to get back at him. Kim Jai-Bae therein meets Ren Niao Hua, another actor in her agency, who helps motivate her to become a top entertainer.
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| - Korean Manga Synopsis - Sixteen year old Kim Jai-Bae sacrificed her life to support her boyfriend, Shang Shi Jin, so he could become a successful singer. One day, Shang Shi Jin suddenly breaks up with Jai Bae-juk, leaving her with nothing, and Jang La-Na vows revenge. She decides to delve into the entertainment world and become even more successful than Shu to get back at him. Kim Jai-Bae therein meets Ren Niao Hua, another actor in her agency, who helps motivate her to become a top entertainer.
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| - Korean Manga Synopsis - Sixteen year old Kim Jai-Bae sacrificed her life to support her boyfriend, Shang Shi Jin, so he could become a successful singer. One day, Shang Shi Jin suddenly breaks up with Jai Bae-juk, leaving her with nothing, and Jang La-Na vows revenge. She decides to delve into the entertainment world and become even more successful than Shu to get back at him. Kim Jai-Bae therein meets Ren Niao Hua, another actor in her agency, who helps motivate her to become a top entertainer.