Emperor Kuzco is the main protagonist in Disney's 2000 animated film, The Emperor's New Groove and its TV series follow-up, The Emperor's New School and a supporting character in the 2006 direct-to-video sequel, Kronk's New Groove. He starts off as a spoiled rich brat and an uncaring emperor, who is turned into a Llama by his former adviser Yzma, who wants to take his place. After a journey with a good-hearted peasant Pacha, Kuzco becomes much kinder and nicer, which causes him to adjust his attitude, and gets the potion to turn back into a human. He is voiced by David Spade.
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| - Emperor Kuzco is the main protagonist in Disney's 2000 animated film, The Emperor's New Groove and its TV series follow-up, The Emperor's New School and a supporting character in the 2006 direct-to-video sequel, Kronk's New Groove. He starts off as a spoiled rich brat and an uncaring emperor, who is turned into a Llama by his former adviser Yzma, who wants to take his place. After a journey with a good-hearted peasant Pacha, Kuzco becomes much kinder and nicer, which causes him to adjust his attitude, and gets the potion to turn back into a human. He is voiced by David Spade.
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| - Egomaniac, Comedic Anti-Hero turned to the Good Side
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| - Emperor
- Student at Kuzco Academy
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| - The Emperor's New Groove franchise and it's TV Series
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| - To become human from his llama form , to become Emperor again
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| - Emperor Kuzco is the main protagonist in Disney's 2000 animated film, The Emperor's New Groove and its TV series follow-up, The Emperor's New School and a supporting character in the 2006 direct-to-video sequel, Kronk's New Groove. He starts off as a spoiled rich brat and an uncaring emperor, who is turned into a Llama by his former adviser Yzma, who wants to take his place. After a journey with a good-hearted peasant Pacha, Kuzco becomes much kinder and nicer, which causes him to adjust his attitude, and gets the potion to turn back into a human. He is voiced by David Spade.