| - abilel - conversation ablivuri - to be alive ad - up adul - above äga - general agata - happy aklimat - near al - to alasino - powerful alyxim - soul ana - water anam - hello ända - bottle amisur - to respond, to answer apsilel - history ata - also, too aul - out auler - outside awa - blue ata - too (not excessively), also be - in bedem - rainy ber - but beros - next to bid - down bidel - bottom bidul - below bidümüs - snowy birdin - clear buj - box bujikin - commune bujikinel - community bujikineliji - communism ce - at, on celuri - to try ci - so de - this dëm - that dö - it druri - to sleep e - to, towards eboton - button efunduri - to think end - only entaskur - to enhance entaske - enhance enik - unique equer - hard erd - green erim - when ermisi - excuse me esfor - industrious, hard working esejk - language esta - some evi - thing ëm - for flusum - bird foluri - to do, to make goze - coffee graz - foul, rotten gi - yes gur - good gurizu - thank you, thanks guzili - tasty ide - from imi - expensive ind - in, into ijarb - tree insedimur - to understand insensur - to love insur - to know (acquainted with) iqi - each iqmirin - everyone iquam - everything iterin - internet je - on jad - help jadur - to help kefli - page kidren - feature kisto - free klar - obvious kleptos - rich, opulent kre - tea kötub - book kötuburidel - database kye - one ladfolur - expland laturi - to go le - and lorn - soon medisburi - to may melëuri - to eat mesü - many migrasino - weak mivoluri - to want mirin - person mirinel - society mirineliji - socialism mirkvole - please missö - tired mon - yellow muri - to be nasifur - to begin nagri - native (adj) nod - way nor - list o - who, which, that oga - order ogaretikesejk - grammar oni - today onlij - broken opro - cheap ordo - busy ork - hot ösöyel - art oti - section otpist - mail öyö - in order to papar - article padi - lazy pano - sad pil - orange ple - red putek - ugly puer - clean pÿlo - tool quem - bad quemsistye - unfortunately rafur - to read relizur - to send resa - beautiful retik - correct retikuri - to edit rë - now safe - soap seflimat - far segrä - cloudy sevoluri - to learn sik - more situri - to dwell (to live somewhere) siyi - hungry sisu - anyone syiste - luck so - with söys - most sorme - new suniam - sunny suriüj - scared ticiclur - to click tim - young tist - quiet tistind - the quiet-in (self) tistindurivocel - self expression toff - soft tolaf - old tuv - right udan ëm - except for uhärilel - possible uhärilelet - possibly uhäuri - can, to be able to ujink - dirty ujistos - poor umeg - cold unk - question unkur - to ask uridel - knowledge uridur - to know urivocel - expression urivocuri - to express valur - to see vocuri - to speak vut - left yeld - air ye - I yesuri - to have zimi - computer