| - After the next stone was destroyed, reality warped, briefly teleporting BlackWarGreymon and some other Digimon into the city of Kyoto in Japan. The warp effect soon faded, and he returned to the DigiWorld. The DigiDestined defended the next Destiny Stone, and Angemon used it's power to become MagnaAngemon, but to win the battle, BlackWarGreymon simply destroyed the stone, cutting off MagnaAngemon's power. The DigiDestined attempted to hide the next stone, but BlackWarGreymon easily found and destroyed it. They then hid the next stone underwater, and despite resistance from Ikkakumon, MegaSeadramon and the Dolphmon, and some forceful words from Cody, BlackWarGreymon parted the waters and destroyed the stone.
| - After the next stone was destroyed, reality warped, briefly teleporting BlackWarGreymon and some other Digimon into the city of Kyoto in Japan. The warp effect soon faded, and he returned to the DigiWorld. The DigiDestined defended the next Destiny Stone, and Angemon used it's power to become MagnaAngemon, but to win the battle, BlackWarGreymon simply destroyed the stone, cutting off MagnaAngemon's power. The DigiDestined attempted to hide the next stone, but BlackWarGreymon easily found and destroyed it. They then hid the next stone underwater, and despite resistance from Ikkakumon, MegaSeadramon and the Dolphmon, and some forceful words from Cody, BlackWarGreymon parted the waters and destroyed the stone. The final stone was discovered in a natural spring - but oddly enough, it's power was transforming the spring into a broth that Digitamamon was using in his noodle soup at his Chinese restaurant. The DigiDestined and BlackWarGreymon converged on the stone, and Angemon and Ankylomon DNA Digivolved into Shakkoumon to help hold BlackWarGreymon off, while the DigiDestined tried to move the stone to safety using their D-3s. The light from their D-3s freed the mighty Azulongmon from the prison he had been put in by the Dark Masters, and he quickly ended the conflict. After later revelations, in retrospect it was clear that Arukenimon and Mummymon had desired to destroy Destiny Stones to throw the DigiWorld out of balance, so that their creator, Oikawa, could enter the DigiWorld, as he had always desired. A Destiny Stone first appears in "If I Only Had A Heart." Their original Japanese name was the Holy Stones.