| - During the war against the Primordials, all the negativity created the Furies. One of the them was Tisiphone. Years later as Zeus and the Gods of Olympus came to power, the Furies became power hungry, and seeked to overthrow the Olympians. One day, Tisiphone and her sisters came across Ares. They three found that Ares also seeked to overthrow Zeus and the Olympians. So the four formed a partnership, and eventually a romantic relationship. During their partnership, Ares sent the Furies to meet with Zeus. The Furies made a deal with Zeus that every time someone betrays the Gods of Olympus, the Furies would capture, and torture them. The first one they capture was a titan named; Aegaeon. They captured, and tortured Aegaeon, until his entire body became a prisoned of the damned.
| - During the war against the Primordials, all the negativity created the Furies. One of the them was Tisiphone. Years later as Zeus and the Gods of Olympus came to power, the Furies became power hungry, and seeked to overthrow the Olympians. One day, Tisiphone and her sisters came across Ares. They three found that Ares also seeked to overthrow Zeus and the Olympians. So the four formed a partnership, and eventually a romantic relationship. During their partnership, Ares sent the Furies to meet with Zeus. The Furies made a deal with Zeus that every time someone betrays the Gods of Olympus, the Furies would capture, and torture them. The first one they capture was a titan named; Aegaeon. They captured, and tortured Aegaeon, until his entire body became a prisoned of the damned. After Alecto, and Ares gave birth to Orkos, Ares and the Furies decided to train him to be a powerful warrior that can bring down the very walls of Olympus. But they quickly found out that Orkos had little to no bloodlust in his body. Disappointed by his son, Ares disowned him. Despite this, Orkos' mothers decided to make him into an Oathkeeper. Eventually, Orkos found out about Ares and his mother's plans to overthrow Olympus thanks to his lover; Aletheia. The two tries to warn Zeus about his parents' plans, but Ares learned of Orkos' treason. So Ares sent the Furies to intervene. The Furies managed to capture Orkos and Aletheia. Orkos was to be punished by his mothers, while Aletheia had her eyes ripped out, and was imprisoned in her own temple, guarded by Pollux & Castor. The Furies then placed the eyes in a lantern of the Statue of Apollo so no Olympian can learn of their plans.