| - History of location is unknown.
- Florence is a town in Italy. Much of the episode "Artless" of the 1987 cartoon is set there.
- Florence is one of the friends of Violet Roberts, often partaking in the mocking of Red Riding Hood. She helps destroy the cake Red bakes for Peter's seventeenth birthday, and a few days later excuses herself from class so that she can put a cowpie in Red's basket. She wants to stop her stepfather, Mayor Filbert, from cancelling the Forget-Me-Not ball, but he does so anyway. ("Red's Untold Tale")
- Florence är en stad i delstaten Alabama, USA. Andre Lynch bor i staden. (SG1: "Fragile Balance") kategori:Bosättningar kategori:Platser i Amerika
- It is also the city where Langdon goes every June to attend an art conference.
- The RZX-12TM1 Florence is the transformable and personal Knightmare Frame of the Knight of Twelve, Monica Krushevsky. Salvaged by Britannia after a battle against forces of the E.U., it was originally an AI-Alexander based on designs from Anna Clement before it was modified and given its new name.
- Florence était élève de Poudlard en même temps que Bertha Jorkins. Un jour, Bertha l'a vue embrasser un garçon derrière la serre.
- Florence is een stad in Toscane, Italië op de planeet Aarde. In de 16e eeuw bevond zich hier het huis van Leonardo da Vinci. Op het holodek van de USS Voyager wilde de holografische versie van Da Vinci Florence verlaten en naar Frankrijk verhuizen, omdat hij dacht dat de mensen uit de stad hem niet begrepen. De reden hiervoor was dat hij en Kathryn Janeway na een mislukte testvlucht met zijn glijder in rivier de Arno terecht waren gekomen. (VOY:"Concerning Flight") Categorie:Aardse nederzettingen en:Florence it:Firenze de: Florenz
- Florence - kobieta, ghul z Rezerwatu.
- Florence is a city in Italy.
- Florence is a major city in Italy.
- The city lies on the River Arno. It was historically important in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, especially for its art and architecture. A center of medieval European trade and finance, the city is often considered the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance; in fact, it has been called the Athens of the Middle Ages. It was long under the de facto rule of the Medici family. From 1865 to 1870 the city was also the capital of the Kingdom of Italy before it took control of Rome.
- Florence Mykaila Jameson is the main antagonist of Luna Tempest.
- She is the innkeeper in the starter towns.
- Florence is a community in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Florence Rose is a very unconvincing transvestite who is a friend of another transvestite, Emily Howard, who introduced Florence to becoming a transvestite. Florence is similar to Emily except for she is shorter, fatter and has a moustache. She is also much better at keeping her transvetite act up than Emily. One time, posing as "Baby Flo" in Emily's pram, their genders were pointed out by a small girl. Angry, Florence struggled free and stormed off. Emily, trying to cover, mused: "They grow up so quickly!"
- After locking up the Abomination, Giuseppe di Cattivo was found in his Florence appartment and had gone completely insane. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge) File:StubTab.png
- The human painter and scientist Leonardo da Vinci lived in Florence for a number of years. Centuries later, a holographic recreation of Da Vinci expressed a desire to Kathryn Janeway to leave the city. (VOY episode: "Concerning Flight") After surviving an attack by the Chakuun, Gabrielle Carlotti and her surviving brothers came to live with their Aunt Olivia in Florence. (EV comics: "Flesh of My Flesh", "The Fallen")
- Florence was a first-rate criminal in Eclage who happened to be Seneth's father. No one quite knows what his crime was, but it is against the law in Eclage to mention his name.
- Within the holodeck of the USS Voyager, the hologram of Da Vinci wished to leave Florence and move to France, believing the people of Florence could not grasp his genius. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
- Florence is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
- Au 16ème siècle, l'artiste-inventeur Léonard de Vinci y a séjourné. Dans le programme holographique basé sur le personnage, celui-ci souhaitait quitter Florence pour aller en France, considérant que le peuple de Florence ne comprenait pas son génie. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
- Florence was cleaning the sleeping quarters when the bombs hit. She was a cantankerous old bag then, and she is still a cantankerous old bag-ghoul. Now that she no longer cleans for a living, she spends the majority of her day scavenging through the multitudes of debris lying around the town. One of Floe’s favorite hobbies is to sneak into the Sub-Levels and snoop around. Since visual approval is required to enter sub-level 3, she has never been down there.
- Florence is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She gave Professor Layton and Luke some information about Hint Coins. When she told Luke to touch the car, it almost completely fell apart, and she claimed to know nothing about the car holding a hint coin. She was usually around the Midland Road Bus Stop. Florence was also the first person in Unwound Future that Professor Layton and Luke encounter.
- During Bring Your Son to Work Day at Waterman Cable, Florence was seen with a young Asian boy. Florence is voiced by Mike Henry.
- Florence is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series: XY.
- Florence was a city in Italy. The Uffizi Galleria was located in Florence, where Teri Bauer worked as a restorative assistant at some point before Day 1. (Findings at CTU)
- Florence was the name given to a BD-3000 luxury droid that was owned by the same owners as The Spire, an upper-class restaurant on Coruscant. The droid had feminine programming.
- Florence was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the same time as Bertha Jorkins. Bertha once caught Florence kissing a boy behind the Hogwarts greenhouses.
- Florence foi a mãe adotiva de Locke. Ela o adotou logo depois do nascimento de John. Florence era ríspida e sabia que seu filho adotivo tinha algo especial. Ela deixou Richard Alpert falar com o garoto quando criança para ver se Locke era aceito na escola especial. Assim que Richard sai bravo e indignado com as escolhas de Locke, Florence pergunta, brava, o que Locke havia feito ao homem. ("Cabin Fever")
- Florence is an Rugrats minor character is voiced by Bibi Osterwald.
- Florence is Morty's wife and Jacob's mother. She is very organized and always takes care of the family and the house. Florence loves her family very much and she and Morty always keep everything together and help Jacob with his problems, they even stand up for him one time when they found out Greedyguts was serving him and his classmates disgusting lunch food due to budget cuts while he gets good food.
- Florence was the foster mother of John Locke and Melissa. When John was five years old, Richard Alpert came to visit him in regards to admission to a school that he ran for special children, which he believed would be beneficial to John. When John failed the test Richard presented to him, Florence asked how John did, to which he responded that John wasn't ready for the school, and quickly exited the house. Florence immediately placed the blame on John asking what he had done. (Cabin Fever)
- Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence.
- Florence (Italian: Firenze [fiˈrɛntse], alternative obsolete form: Fiorenza; Latin: Florentia), Italy is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
* Historical Archives of the European Communities (HAEC) preload=Template:Detailed editintro=Template:Welcome buttonlabel=Add an archive width=25
- Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area.
- Florence is a city of the Holy Roman Empire in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword, and appears a city-state in Civilization V. In real life, it is a city in present-day Italy.
- Florence — czarownica nieznanego statusu krwi, była uczennica Szkoły Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie uczęszczająca do niej w tym czasie co Berta Jorkins. Została przyłapana przez Bertę na całowaniu się ze swoim chłopakiem za cieplarnią.
- Florence, a favored place for E.M. Forster novels about unrequited love, bastard children, etc., is also one of Italy's major art and tourism centers, with every statue being of naked people with a small wiener. Occupied by several hundred thousand people driving Fiats, the city is generally regarded a place more civilized than Sicily and yet not quite as fashionable as Milan. Many hairy females like to have sexual intercourse within its fine city walls.
- Florence, or "Firenze" in the native Italian, is one of the world's most famous cities. The cradle of the Renaissance, Florence is known in large part for the stunning amount of artwork contained within; Michaelangelo's David, arguably the most famous sculpture in human history, calls Florence home. So does the Uffizi Gallery, one of the largest art museums in the world. In the Small Reference Pools of pop culture, a fondness for Florence is used as a quick and easy way of demonstrating a character's erudition and culture. Works featuring this city include:
- Florence era la madre affidataria di John Locke. Lo ha avuto in adozione per un breve periodo di tempo dopo la sua nascita. E' madre anche di Melissa (e probabilmente anche di Jeannie). ("Ricerca febbrile")
- Florence once told five-year-old John that there was a man to see him and that he should be on his best behavior. Richard Alpert introduced himself and told John that he runs a school for special children and has reason to believe that he was one of them and wanted to test him. Afterwards, she entered the room and asked how John did. Richard responded that John was not quite ready for his school and walked out of the house. Florence scolded John, asking what he did, and he looked down dejectedly. ("Cabin Fever")
- Florence était la mère adoptive de John Locke. Elle a adopté John peu de temps après sa naissance. Elle est la mère de Melissa (et peut-être était-elle aussi celle de Jeannie). Quand John avait 5 ans, Florence dit à ce dernier qu'un homme voulait le voir et qu'il devait faire ce qu'il lui demanderait. Richard Alpert se présenta et dit à John qu'il dirigeait une école pour enfants spéciaux et qu'il avait des raisons de croire qu'il était l'un d'entre eux et qu'il voulait le tester. Plus tard, Florence entra dans la pièce et demanda comment John s'en était sorti. Richard lui répondit que John n'était pas encore tout à fait prêt pour son école et sortit de la maison. Florence gronda John et lui demanda ce qu'il avait fait et il baissa les yeux d'un air abattu. (Le Messager)
- Florence is the capital city of both the Florence Province and the region of Tuscany. It is situated 50 metres above sea level and stands on both banks of the River Arno. To the north and north-east the city stretches along the foothills of the Careggi, Fiesole and Settignano hills, to the south along the Arcetri and Bellosguardo Hills.
- Florence ist John Lockes Pflegemutter. Sie adoptiert John kurz nach seiner Geburt. Sie ist die Mutter von Melissa (und vielleicht von Jeannie). („“) Als John fünf Jahre alt ist, besucht Richard Alpert Florence und ihre Familie. Florence sagt John, dass er sich benehmen soll. Nachdem John den Test offenbar nicht bestanden hat, und Alpert sich im Aufbruch befindet, fragt sie ihn, wie sich John geschlagen hat und Richard antwortet nur, dass er noch nicht bereit für seine Schule sei und geht. Florence fragt John vorwurfsvoll was er gatan hat.
- Florence era la madre adoptiva de John Locke. Le adoptó muy tempranamente, justo después del nacimiento de John. Ella también era madre de Melissa (y pudiera ser que de Jeannie también). ("[[|]]") Cuando John era un niño, Florence le dijo que había un hombre que había ido a verle y que tenía que portarse bien. Cuando Richard Alpert acabó de hacer su prueba, Florence le preguntó que tal le había ido, y Richard dijo que John aún no estaba preparo. Florence se enfadó con Locke y le preguntó que qué había hecho. ("[[|]]")