Psychopathic Records, also known as "The Hatchet", is an American independent record label based in Farmington Hills, Michigan that specializes in hip hop music. The label was founded in 1991 by Alex Abbiss and hip hop group Insane Clown Posse.
Psychopathic Records, also known as "The Hatchet", is an American independent record label based in Farmington Hills, Michigan that specializes in hip hop music. The label was founded in 1991 by Alex Abbiss and hip hop group Insane Clown Posse. In addition to producing music, the label has divided into several other departments that deal with merchandise, video, and professional wrestling. Psychopathic runs its own manufacturing and distribution operations for merchandise, managing nearly 30 full-time employees. The label produces an average 10 million US$ in revenue per year, and has been continuously producing well since its creation.