Brevity was an ex-con at Second Maiden Fort who became a self-styled Inspector and Port authority along with her partner, Pithy. She was described as a short woman with dark hair. She had paid for an eye which she kept in a jar believing it had been sneezed out by Skorgen Kaban and told the man as much when they met. She was very disappointed to learn that she had been swindled. Later, she became one of the commanding officers in Yedan Derryg's company.
Brevity was an ex-con at Second Maiden Fort who became a self-styled Inspector and Port authority along with her partner, Pithy. She was described as a short woman with dark hair. She had paid for an eye which she kept in a jar believing it had been sneezed out by Skorgen Kaban and told the man as much when they met. She was very disappointed to learn that she had been swindled. Later, she became one of the commanding officers in Yedan Derryg's company.