| - Here's the will, still in the post form. I, Full Auto, Decepticon warrior, being of simple mind and durable body do write my last will and testament, and hereby bequeath the following: To Arachnae, slayer of friend, breaker of will, my most dire foe, I leave you nothing but eternal hatred and scorn. I curse you from the pit I now dwell in. May you know only torment and pain for all your days as I have known. To Scourge, my leader, I leave contempt. You are a mockery of leadership, and deserve your plight. To the Sweeps, I leave pity. A few I called brother, but I still pity you all.
| - Here's the will, still in the post form. I, Full Auto, Decepticon warrior, being of simple mind and durable body do write my last will and testament, and hereby bequeath the following: To Arachnae, slayer of friend, breaker of will, my most dire foe, I leave you nothing but eternal hatred and scorn. I curse you from the pit I now dwell in. May you know only torment and pain for all your days as I have known. To Scourge, my leader, I leave contempt. You are a mockery of leadership, and deserve your plight. To Galvatron, Lord of the Decepticon Empire, I leave my memories of an Empire under Megatron. may you learn from me, a "Small-minded Fool," what true power is. To Ramjet and all Seekers, I leave the will to fight, Fight, FIGHT! no matter the odds. Bury all who fall, enemy and ally alike, my friends. To the Sweeps, I leave pity. A few I called brother, but I still pity you all. To Spoiler, the stupid, I leave my own pitiful weapons. May the torch of ignorance forever blind you as you carry it into the dark of battle. To Scrapper, Hook, Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, Long Haul, and Devastator, the Constructicons, I leave my respect for those who never forgot. To Airwolf, her ladyship, I leave whatever honor I had. That, and a band of twisted pink metal. To Sidearm, my only love, I leave total awe for the one person ever to move me so. To the Decepticons, I leave my bitter tears. Were that I strong enough to repair all our damage. I ask no that speeches or tributes be made in my honor. I am a warrior, and warriors die. Bury me and forget me. So ends the last will and Testament of Full Auto. He dwells with Dedzone, Starscrusher, Flanker, Recoil, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Starscream in the halls of the dead. ......TILL ALL ARE ONE!