Super Sentai: Climax All-Star is the action-adventure and fighting game. The remake and sequel of Super Sentai: Climax Heroes. It released on Wii U and PSP on December 12, 2012. It also released in arcade version on November 29, 2012. This sequel has twelve new playables are Singular: CycloneShockerSuperEVO, Yogoshiranger, Sada Rider, True-Ultimate TaRaKai and seven combos which is D-Medal 2T are Tajadol 2T, Gatakiriba 2T, Latoratar 2T, Shauta 2T, Sagozo 2T, Putotyra 2T and Burakawani 2T. This featuring of Daizen Heroes with Powered and OZU.
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| - Super Sentai: Climax All-Star is the action-adventure and fighting game. The remake and sequel of Super Sentai: Climax Heroes. It released on Wii U and PSP on December 12, 2012. It also released in arcade version on November 29, 2012. This sequel has twelve new playables are Singular: CycloneShockerSuperEVO, Yogoshiranger, Sada Rider, True-Ultimate TaRaKai and seven combos which is D-Medal 2T are Tajadol 2T, Gatakiriba 2T, Latoratar 2T, Shauta 2T, Sagozo 2T, Putotyra 2T and Burakawani 2T. This featuring of Daizen Heroes with Powered and OZU.
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| - Super Sentai: Climax All-Star is the action-adventure and fighting game. The remake and sequel of Super Sentai: Climax Heroes. It released on Wii U and PSP on December 12, 2012. It also released in arcade version on November 29, 2012. This sequel has twelve new playables are Singular: CycloneShockerSuperEVO, Yogoshiranger, Sada Rider, True-Ultimate TaRaKai and seven combos which is D-Medal 2T are Tajadol 2T, Gatakiriba 2T, Latoratar 2T, Shauta 2T, Sagozo 2T, Putotyra 2T and Burakawani 2T. This featuring of Daizen Heroes with Powered and OZU.