| - The Conqueror Rune, also known as the Black Rune, was a rune given to two of the five generals (Kwanda Rosman and Milich Oppenheimer) by Windy in order for her to control them. The rune gave them control over wild monsters, however the more they used it, the more they fell under Windy's control. Once they were under her control, she forced them to do horrible things, like Kwanda destroying Lukiae Ende Towayo via the Burning Mirror or Milich's kidnapping Liukan and killing Gremio with the man eating spores.
| - The Conqueror Rune, also known as the Black Rune, was a rune given to two of the five generals (Kwanda Rosman and Milich Oppenheimer) by Windy in order for her to control them. The rune gave them control over wild monsters, however the more they used it, the more they fell under Windy's control. Once they were under her control, she forced them to do horrible things, like Kwanda destroying Lukiae Ende Towayo via the Burning Mirror or Milich's kidnapping Liukan and killing Gremio with the man eating spores. Windy even went as far as to attach on to Ted and forced him to ask Tir McDohl for the Soul Eater back. However this plan failed when Ted told the Soul Eater to take his soul instead. Windy's final use of the Conqueror Rune was on Barbarossa Rugner when she attempted to control him. However, this attempt would also fail as his Sovereign Rune negates all magical attempts to control his body or mind. Interestingly enough, unlike a normal rune, when the connection between the bearer and Windy is severed, the rune literally melts away, causing the bearer great pain before restoring their mind back to normal.