The license FFXIclopedia uses grants free access to our content in the same sense as free software is licensed freely. To fulfill the above goals, the text contained in FFXIclopedia is licensed to the public under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). The full text of this license is at Wikipedia:Text of the GNU Free Documentation License. The text of the GFDL is the only legally binding document; what follows is our interpretation of the GFDL: the rights and obligations of users and contributors.
The license FFXIclopedia uses grants free access to our content in the same sense as free software is licensed freely. To fulfill the above goals, the text contained in FFXIclopedia is licensed to the public under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). The full text of this license is at Wikipedia:Text of the GNU Free Documentation License. The text of the GFDL is the only legally binding document; what follows is our interpretation of the GFDL: the rights and obligations of users and contributors. Content on FFXIclopedia is covered by disclaimers. As the GFDL was never intended for wiki articles, the "page history" is the best source for contributor attribution. However the "page history" is not in the correct format for the GFDL because is missing information that would be required under the GFDL if it were the history subunit. Additionally, it is not "Entitled" History. As a result, you may ignore the "page history" for the purposes of verbatim copying. If the text itself includes a section Entitled "History", however, then you should of course copy that along with the rest of the body text.