| - As is the case with all Non-theological holidays, the origins of Smarchmareenmas! are the subject of some debate. However despite this, there is consensus among both ancient historians and their modern counterparts that the holidays origins are related to the unusual habits of the eastern Grey squirrel. Specifically it is noted that while most forms of squirrel are known to store food in the form of acorns, nuts and the occasional rice krispie cake for the winter, some squirrels start to gather food at an earlier time than others and some squirrels have more storage capacity in their nests. This, naturally, leads to a severely uneven distribution of food amongst the squirrel population by mid-February and can lead to squirrel violence as food becomes more scarce (owing to late starts, smal
| - As is the case with all Non-theological holidays, the origins of Smarchmareenmas! are the subject of some debate. However despite this, there is consensus among both ancient historians and their modern counterparts that the holidays origins are related to the unusual habits of the eastern Grey squirrel. Specifically it is noted that while most forms of squirrel are known to store food in the form of acorns, nuts and the occasional rice krispie cake for the winter, some squirrels start to gather food at an earlier time than others and some squirrels have more storage capacity in their nests. This, naturally, leads to a severely uneven distribution of food amongst the squirrel population by mid-February and can lead to squirrel violence as food becomes more scarce (owing to late starts, smaller nests and general decadence and hedonism on the part of the squirrels). Squirrels, like humans, cannot predict the forthcoming end of winter without groundhogs and so it only when the end of winter is clearly observed by the squirrels that still possess food, that the food can be safely given away. It is this sudden influx of readily available food, as well as the increase in ambient temperature that allows the squirrel to leave their nests for longer periods, that functions as the principal catalyst for the global acceptance that spring has come.