| - Mutt Williams is a character represented in a minifigure form, placed in the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull theme. His reality variation has dark brown hair, however TT Games made him with reddish brown hair in LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues, probably for players to see the colour more easily. His LEGO hair is incorrect, because it is messy and hangs in his face, but the real Mutt from the movie has his hair perfectly combed up and back into a pompadour-ductail. In the game (LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues) Mutt has a Wrench Instead of a knife.
- Mutt Williams, aka Henry Jones III is the son of Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood and the secondary protagonist in the 2008 film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. He is a rebellious teen and is portrayed as a stereotypical 1950's greaser: greased hair, leather jacket, drives a motorcycle, etc. He accompanies Indiana Jones on a quest to rescue his mother and his friend Harold Oxley, and find the crystal skull. He is portrayed by Shia LaBeouf, who also portrayed Sam Witwicky
- Familia de H. Jones Jr.
- Henry "Mutt" Williams bzw Henry Jones III ist der Sohn von Marion Ravenwood und Indiana Jones. Er ist der Stiefsohn von Colin Williams.
- Mutt Williams (Henry Jones III) urodził się w lipcu 1938 roku. Syn Marion Ravenwood i Indiany Jonesa. Kilka miesięcy przed narodzinami Mutta, Indiana Jones opuścił ciężarną Marion, która wyszła za mąż za Brytyjczyka Colina Williamsa. Ten zginął niedługo potem na wojnie i w wychowywaniu Mutta pomagał Harold Oxley, dawny znajomy Indiany i Marion.
- Mutt Williams (właściwie Henry Jones III) - bohater filmu Indiana Jones i Królestwo Kryształowej Czaszki, syn Indiany Jonesa i Marion Ravenwood. Ojczymem Mutta był Colin Williams. Mutt interesuje się motocyklami i bronią białą. Prawdziwego ojca poznał dopiero w dorosłym życiu, podczas akcji Królestwa Kryształowej Czaszki. W Mutta Williamsa wcielił się Shia LaBeouf.
- Henry Walton Jones (Mutt Williams) III, (Born Jul.,1938) played by Shia LaBeouf, is Indiana Jones' greaser son and Henry Jones's grandson from the fourth Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. He first met his father Indiana Jones in 1957, where he helped him to solve the mystery of the Crystal Skull. He has a younger sister named Alaina (Indy's Daughter)
- Henry "Mutt" Williams, born Henry Walton Jones III, was the illegitimate son of Marion Ravenwood and Indiana Jones. His stepfather was Colin Williams, who was killed during World War II. He had one sibling, a sister. In 1957, Mutt accompanied his estranged parents, along with mentor Harold Oxley and George McHale on a quest to return a fabled Crystal Skull to Akator. Following this adventure, during which he proved his fencing skills in a sword-duel with the Soviet Special Forces colonel Irina Spalko, he was present as his mother and father wed after years of separation.