| - "By the Grace of God, Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, France, Hannover, Naples, Jerusalem, Spain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the seas, Princess of Sicily, Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Burgundy, Milan, Brabant, the Normans, Aquitaine and Brunswick, Countess of Habsburg, Flanders, Tyrol, Angevine and Anjou, Head of the Commonwealth, Empress of India and Defendress of the Faith" The full name of Britain: Or shorter: "Holy Unity of the British Empire, the Grounds under its Sovereign's Hand and Main Commonwealth Nation" A.D.
| - "By the Grace of God, Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, France, Hannover, Naples, Jerusalem, Spain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the seas, Princess of Sicily, Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Burgundy, Milan, Brabant, the Normans, Aquitaine and Brunswick, Countess of Habsburg, Flanders, Tyrol, Angevine and Anjou, Head of the Commonwealth, Empress of India and Defendress of the Faith" The full name of Britain: "Holy Unified and One and Only Empire of Britain, Britain Overseas Dominions and part of the Continent, of all Empires, Kingdoms, Principalities, Archduchies, Duchies and Counties under the autonome Hand of HIRM King or Queen of this, Main Nation of the Multinational Union of the Commonwealth" Or shorter: "Holy Unity of the British Empire, the Grounds under its Sovereign's Hand and Main Commonwealth Nation" Even shorter "Holy [United Empire] of Britain and Dominions" (UE) But most people simply call it "British Empire". A.D. 1000: King Aethelgwythr of the house of Gwynmordd connects the Kingdoms Ireland; Wales; Scotland; East, West, South and North Anglia and Cornwall to the Kingdom of Britannia. 1020: Aethelgwythr dies, Gwenmyrth Gundalbart Fitzaethelgwythr, his son, becomes crowned King. 1022: Gwenmyrth conquers Normandy and Denmark. 1026: Denmark becomes Jutish. 1031: Gwenmyrth dies, daughter Corleann Gwenmyrthdottir becomes first Britannish Queen/ 1036: The Jutes join with the Bajuwares and the Southgauls and try to conquer Normandy. 1040: They fail, Sudnordmarck and Francia become Britannish to form Alamanno-Gaulish Britannia. 1050: Corleann dies, this puts an end to the house of Gwynmordd. 1050-1067: First Britannish Succession War, the weakened forces loose Alamannia and Sudnordmarck and it becomes independent to form Germania. 1067-1080: The Byzantine Army falls in to Britannia and makes it to its province Continislia. They bring Christianity. 1080: Britannia becomes independent, though some Byzantinians stay, and a Byzantinian also becomes crowned King: Carlius Anstasius Sebastianus of the house of Angomanius. 1085: Anastasius conquers Tuscany, the Milan and the Naples Area, Sicily and Western Italy from the Arbadinians. 1086: He conquers Brabant from the Germanian Ethnies. 1099: Anastasius dies, one year of Anarchy, end of the reign of the house of Angomanius. 1100: Urkturs Gantamt of the Slavic house of Horiplorktov conquers Tuscany, he gives it back for being crowned Prince of Arsitalia though (Arsitalia=Italy). 1100: Urkturs Gantamt becomes a voted Emperor of Britannia, so do four others: Gwynreddodd of the Welsh house of Oddgwll, Dundelbain of the Scots house of Fitzdurdle, Haduhart of the Anglic house of Humbelhilt and Amhlaoìbh of the Irish house of O'Marelfit. 1102: Haduhart kills all other Emperors, adopts a Normanno-Gaulish girl and kills himself. 1102: The girl who's name is Yolandie de Beautelles of the House of de Beautelles is the youngest sovereign yet had: She is only 17 when she becomes Queen, normally the Kings and Queens were between twenty-five and thirty-five as they were crowned. 1105: She changes the name Kingdom of Gaulo-Britannia to Empire of Britaine. The Britaine Armed Forces are the strongest of the world that time. 1109: Yolandie starts a war against Byzantinia. 1111: Britaine wins. 1115: Yolandie starts a war against the holy lands, she wins, becomes Queen of Jerusalem. 1120: Yolandie founds the religion of Yolandism in which she represents the highest of all gods; she passes Yolandism Act in which it says "Par la gracia de Yolandie, la Roy et Dieussea Yolandie pareles: Yolandie says l'opignona, c'este importantem, mays elles desirere le popula dinquinge alique elleser: Elles vinter le popula arbitrarere iuxte la relige de Yolandismus. Par la grace de Dieussea, une quisqueus arbitrareran de la relige seciume, il pensilte soforteman!" which means basically: "Every man not believing in Yolandism shall be hanged to death". 1125: First Britaine Revolution: The people declare Yolandie for crazy and crown Nuallain Gwyrmhtalbhor O'Marelfit, a nephew of Amhlaoìbh King. 1125: Nuallain passes different laws, the "Nachathraigh Dlìach" (Unchangeable Laws), then founds the parliament. They can never change these laws. One says, that the only allowed religions are ancient ones. He also changes the name from Britaine to "Ceiltach Ìontach Impireacht" (Great Celtic Empire). 1126: Nuallain changes the "Ancient religion"-law a bit and makes the only religion allowed his Asalism - a mixture of the first hebrew religion having a donkey as main god, almost all ancient religions and the Islam. He crowns himself the "Ounly and wan holey Proffett of ðe holey glouwe of Asalism - annd ðis by ðe genade of ðe holey donckey of Asalism - naun as ðe holey Asal Yahowee." 1126: The "Holey Boockes of ðe Ounley Trewe Holey Glouwe of Asalism", quite like the "Bible" of Asalism, comes out. 1128: Nuallain has three triplets with Anabela II. of the Spanish house of Canasela. Their names: Dundelbain, Gwynreddodd and Amhlaoìbh. 1135: Nuallain dies. 1135: First Ceilto-Gaulo-Spanish Succession War: Amhlaoìbh ends up with Ceiltea and Byzantinia, Gwynreddodd with Gaul and the Tuscany and Dundelbain with Spain and Jerusalem. The rest ends up Independent, except Brabant, reigned by all three Kings 1140: Gwynreddodd has his daughter Anna-Sophie with a common Tuscan woman; Dundelbain his son Shmuel Rodrigo with a half Jewish, half Spanish noble, Gavriela Mariam Amanda Augusta da Pedrez-Ashkhelon. 1163: Anna-Sophie and Shmuel Rodrigo marry. January 1., 1176: All three Kings die. The Ceiltean Parliament decide that Rodrigo and Sophie become crowned King and Queen of Ceiltea. This unifies the territories again, except for the independent "rest", who have joined, conquered Greece and Italy (except Tuscany) and called themselves "Republic of New West Rome". June 21., 1176: New West Rome declares war against Ceiltea. December 21., 1180: After four and a half years, Ceiltea looses against New West Rome. January 1., 1181: Luckily, the son of the New West Rome emperor who died on declares New West Rome to be called "Imperium Britannia", reinforces the old structure and adopts Domhnall O'Marelfit, another O'Marelfit descendant.