The Groovitron was a combat device. It made enemies dance.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Groovitron
- Groovitron
- Groovitron
- Groovitron
- Groovitron
| - Groovitronit ovat GrummelNetin kehittyneintä puolustusteknologiaa. Ne ovat pieniä diskopalloja, jotka leijuvat hetken ilmassa ja pakottavat kaikki sen vaikutusalueella olevat viholliset tanssimaan. Groovitron on kätevä suuriin vihollisjoukkoihin.
- Groovitron var en discoball som bruke avansert teknologi og fikk fiender til å danse.
- The Groovitron was a combat device. It made enemies dance.
- thumb|GroovitronDer Groovitron war eine schwebende Dico-Kugel, welche vom Groovitron Handschuh abgefeuert wurde, und eine Musik spielte, welche Feinde zum Tanzen brachte. Früher kostete ein Groovitron 500 Bolts, der Preis wurde jedoch auf 400 Bolts gesenkt.
- The Groovitron is a weapon manufactured by GrummelNet in Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time, Full Frontal Assault and Before the Nexus. It is a floating disco ball that, when thrown, plays disco music that mesmerises anything near it to dance uncontrollably until it expires. In Tools of Destruction it is used as a device, in Before the Nexus as a gadget, though it is otherwise thrown from a Groovitron Glove. In Full Frontal Assault, it is possible to use it as a Groovitron Mine too.
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omega effect acit
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v8 effect acit
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| - Forced dancing bomb glove
discount upgrade price acit
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discount price acit
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Rate of Fire
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ammo pickup tod
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ammo pickup ffa
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max ammo ffa
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available tod
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available ffa
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| - Groovitronit ovat GrummelNetin kehittyneintä puolustusteknologiaa. Ne ovat pieniä diskopalloja, jotka leijuvat hetken ilmassa ja pakottavat kaikki sen vaikutusalueella olevat viholliset tanssimaan. Groovitron on kätevä suuriin vihollisjoukkoihin.
- The Groovitron is a weapon manufactured by GrummelNet in Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time, Full Frontal Assault and Before the Nexus. It is a floating disco ball that, when thrown, plays disco music that mesmerises anything near it to dance uncontrollably until it expires. In Tools of Destruction it is used as a device, in Before the Nexus as a gadget, though it is otherwise thrown from a Groovitron Glove. In Full Frontal Assault, it is possible to use it as a Groovitron Mine too. In Tools of Destruction, the Golden Groovitron upgrade could be purchased in challenge mode, giving it unlimited ammo. In A Crack in Time, the Groovitron Glove can be upgraded to the Groovibomb Glove with use (which exploded upon expiry), and the Omega Groovibomb Glove upgrade could be purchased in challenge mode. The Groovitron was required for several skill points. In Tools of Destruction, Everybody Dance Now is acquired by making all enemies in the game dance with a Groovitron. In A Crack in Time, Terachnoid Rave can be acquired by making 12 Terachnoids dance with one Groovitron.
- Groovitron var en discoball som bruke avansert teknologi og fikk fiender til å danse.
- The Groovitron was a combat device. It made enemies dance.
- thumb|GroovitronDer Groovitron war eine schwebende Dico-Kugel, welche vom Groovitron Handschuh abgefeuert wurde, und eine Musik spielte, welche Feinde zum Tanzen brachte. Früher kostete ein Groovitron 500 Bolts, der Preis wurde jedoch auf 400 Bolts gesenkt.