| - See also: Hunting Places and Loot Help __TOC__ __TOC__ When the reign of the dragons over Zao begun, many old traditions fell out of grace and into oblivion, among them the philosopher monks who travelled the land to teach people and serve as negotiators and judges. In Razachai, the northern region of Zao, you will not only find the landscape to be even more tainted by the corruption but also its creatures. The corruption in Razachai comes in many different ways. Sometimes the corruption rather affects the soul than the body and does not become apparent during a whole lifetime. Only in death these pitiful beings learn the horrid truth when their tainted souls twists their nature, refusing them the afterlife that awaited them. And so they are bound to the realm of mortals in an ethereal for
- When the reign of the dragons over Zao begun, many old traditions fell out of grace and into oblivion, among them the philosopher monks who travelled the land to teach people and serve as negotiators and judges. In Razachai, the northern region of Zao, you will not only find the landscape to be even more tainted by the corruption but also its creatures. The corruption in Razachai comes in many different ways. Sometimes the corruption rather affects the soul than the body and does not become apparent during a whole lifetime. Only in death these pitiful beings learn the horrid truth when their tainted souls twists their nature, refusing them the afterlife that awaited them. And so they are bound to the realm of mortals in an ethereal form, tormented by an eternal hunger and plagued by their
| - When the reign of the dragons over Zao begun, many old traditions fell out of grace and into oblivion, among them the philosopher monks who travelled the land to teach people and serve as negotiators and judges. In Razachai, the northern region of Zao, you will not only find the landscape to be even more tainted by the corruption but also its creatures. The corruption in Razachai comes in many different ways. Sometimes the corruption rather affects the soul than the body and does not become apparent during a whole lifetime. Only in death these pitiful beings learn the horrid truth when their tainted souls twists their nature, refusing them the afterlife that awaited them. And so they are bound to the realm of mortals in an ethereal form, tormented by an eternal hunger and plagued by their twisted vision of the world around them. Even the mighty Draken are not immune to the massive corruption in Razachai. Some of them have become disfigured in body and soul, a disgrace for their own kind. Being physically even more powerful than ordinary Draken but easily influenced by magic they became slaves and servants of the Draken Spellweavers who completely turned them into loyal and obedient drones without any own ambition. With brutish force, they usually attack anything that does not belong to the place they are bound to. If their wild rage is triggered, they become berserking behemoths of destruction. Nonetheless, Draken are characterised by power and competence, known for their merciless training and their honour. All of them use the best of their abilities to serve the dragon emperor, willing to die for making the slightest mistake. Yet only the best of the best make it into the elite of the Draken society. Each of them is a one-man-army, a living weapon at the disposal of the emperor, able to wield arcane power and weapons alike, with an impressive physique as well as outstanding combat skills and spell casting abilities. Occasionally, the emperor lends some of the elite warriors to one of the dragon kings. Sometimes in times of need, sometimes as a token of respect. In any way, the elite forces handle even the most trivial duties assigned to them with precision and unwavering diligence. Razachai holds massive challenges, tricky missions and precious new items. Access to Razachai is gained through the Wrath of the Emperor Quest.
- See also: Hunting Places and Loot Help __TOC__ __TOC__ When the reign of the dragons over Zao begun, many old traditions fell out of grace and into oblivion, among them the philosopher monks who travelled the land to teach people and serve as negotiators and judges. In Razachai, the northern region of Zao, you will not only find the landscape to be even more tainted by the corruption but also its creatures. The corruption in Razachai comes in many different ways. Sometimes the corruption rather affects the soul than the body and does not become apparent during a whole lifetime. Only in death these pitiful beings learn the horrid truth when their tainted souls twists their nature, refusing them the afterlife that awaited them. And so they are bound to the realm of mortals in an ethereal form, tormented by an eternal hunger and plagued by their twisted vision of the world around them. Even the mighty Draken are not immune to the massive corruption in Razachai. Some of them have become disfigured in body and soul, a disgrace for their own kind. Being physically even more powerful than ordinary Draken but easily influenced by magic they became slaves and servants of the Draken Spellweavers who completely turned them into loyal and obedient drones without any own ambition. With brutish force, they usually attack anything that does not belong to the place they are bound to. If their wild rage is triggered, they become berserking behemoths of destruction. Nonetheless, Draken are characterised by power and competence, known for their merciless training and their honour. All of them use the best of their abilities to serve the dragon emperor, willing to die for making the slightest mistake. Yet only the best of the best make it into the elite of the Draken society. Each of them is a one-man-army, a living weapon at the disposal of the emperor, able to wield arcane power and weapons alike, with an impressive physique as well as outstanding combat skills and spell casting abilities. Occasionally, the emperor lends some of the elite warriors to one of the dragon kings. Sometimes in times of need, sometimes as a token of respect. In any way, the elite forces handle even the most trivial duties assigned to them with precision and unwavering diligence. Razachai holds massive challenges, tricky missions and precious new items. Access to Razachai is gained through the Wrath of the Emperor Quest.