| - The Rifter® is an idea factory that helps players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and keep their games fresh. It provides useful, ready to go, source material gamers can just drop into their ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It offers new monsters, villains, characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, adventure and ideas for your games. It presents new villains, monsters and dangers to battle, and new ideas to consider. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least two or three other Palladium game lines.
| - The Rifter® is an idea factory that helps players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and keep their games fresh. It provides useful, ready to go, source material gamers can just drop into their ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It offers new monsters, villains, characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, adventure and ideas for your games. It presents new villains, monsters and dangers to battle, and new ideas to consider. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least two or three other Palladium game lines. The Rifter® #61 is an extravaganza of source material that deals with a wide range of fun and diverse people, places, mutants, magic, gadgets, equipment and abilities. All certain to provide ideas for new villains and adventures. Many different Palladium RPG settings are represented. This issue includes:
* Rifts®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies™ – Vergence is a dimension created and inhabited by True Atlanteans and is one of their oldest colonies. As if that weren’t exciting enough, this article includes new Magic Tattoos, the Atlantean Archon O.C.C., new Stone Magic, magic staves, adventure ideas and more.
* Rifts® City of Charter™ – The City of Charter, its history, people, places and purpose.
* After the Bomb® and Heroes Unlimited™ – A host of new Mutant Animals of England. These mutants can be used in Heroes Unlimited™ and adapted to just about any Palladium world setting, including Rifts® and Phase World®, where they could be aliens rather than mutants.
* Heroes Unlimited™ – the British anti-supervillain organization known as C.A.M.E.L.O.T.™, its agents, super-weapons, super-vehicles and purpose. Many adventure ideas.
* Palladium Fantasy®, Short Story – The Heart Taker is a tale of horror and adventure that will leave you breathless.
* ALL Game Settings – Charm & Impress, the Keys to Success offers optional rules and guidelines for using the bonuses for high Physical Beauty.
* News, and lots of it, plus coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
* 96 pages – Cat. No. 161. Description and cover art from Palladium Books Web site, copyright ???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved. Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books.