| - The -plex suffix, when applied to argument \(n\), represents \(10^n\) according to Conway and Guy. This is based on googolplex, which is \(10\)\(^{ ext{googol}}\). Aarex Tiaokhiao coined the alternate term -noogol for this prefix. \(10^{10^{n}}\) may be notated -plexplex or, more commonly, -duplex. Similarly, \(10^{10^{10^{n}}}\) is -triplex. In general, for a Latin prefix n, -n-plex means n copies of the -plex suffix. \(10^{-n}\), conversely, is called n-minex (wordplay on plus:plex::minus:minex), and 10-googol is called googolminex.
| - The -plex suffix, when applied to argument \(n\), represents \(10^n\) according to Conway and Guy. This is based on googolplex, which is \(10\)\(^{ ext{googol}}\). Aarex Tiaokhiao coined the alternate term -noogol for this prefix. \(10^{10^{n}}\) may be notated -plexplex or, more commonly, -duplex. Similarly, \(10^{10^{10^{n}}}\) is -triplex. In general, for a Latin prefix n, -n-plex means n copies of the -plex suffix. \(10^{-n}\), conversely, is called n-minex (wordplay on plus:plex::minus:minex), and 10-googol is called googolminex. In the works of Jonathan Bowers, -plex has a more general and less formal definition: if a number n is \(f(10, 100)\) where \(f\) is some googological function, then n-plex is defined as \(f(10, n)\). For example, giggol = \(10\uparrow\uparrow 100\), and giggolplex is not \(10^{ ext{giggol}}\) but is \(10\uparrow\uparrow ext{giggol}\). There are some exceptions to this rule, for instance golapulusplex. Sbiis Saibian circumvents this subjective definition by defining new prefixes such as -dex and -threx. For his googolisms in Cascading-E and higher components of his system, he uses the word grand analogous to Bowers' usage of -plex (for example, grand tethrathoth).