| - Tails is watching Sonic the Hedgehog play baseball by himself. Sonic hits a ball, tries to catch it, but slams headfirst into an Olympic stadium created by Dr. Robotnik. A SWATbot challenges Sonic to the Olympic Games on the behalf of Dr. Robotnik and a offers a bet: if the Freedom Fighters win an event Robotnik will leave the planet forever, but if they lose they surrender to roboticization. Sonic accepts, certain his friends agree with his decision. Back at Freedom HQ, Sally is absolutely opposed to participating. The team discusses the situation, Tails piping in that he wants to compete too. Antoine tells him he isn't good enough to compete, so Tails decides to secretly build a sculpture for the Freedom Fighters while they're away. Once the group arrives, a SWATbot explains to Robotnik that he stole Sonic's shoes and replaced them with energy-draining sneakers. Robotnik asks what he did with the sneakers, and the SWATbot replies that he threw them away. Robotnik, having planned to keep them as a trophy, smashes the SWATbot. Sonic gets ready for the games when he suddenly realizes he's incredibly tired and falls to the ground. "Olympic Trials and Errors" - Part Two The Freedom Fighters take Sonic's place in the events. Antoine competes in the long jump, but loses against Splats. Sally competes in the swimming challenge, but loses against an octopus robot. Finally, Boomer competes in the weight lifting challenge, but is beaten by a SWATbot. The Freedom Fighters have all lost, but Robotnik claims there is still one more game: a race against Robotnik's fastest Buzzbomber. Meanwhile, Tails is looking for items to make his sculpture in the Robotropolis junk yard. He finds Sonic's shoes and rushes to the stadium to return them, but the race has already begun. Buzzbomber is in the lead, while Antoine is puffing along far behind. Sonic, re-energized, blows smoke in Buzzbomber's face, making him turn around and race backwards. Buzzbomber crosses the starting line as Antoine crosses the finish line. Robotnik breaks his promise and attempts to roboticize the Freedom Fighters, so Sonic destroys the roboticizer and scares him off. Sonic thanks Tails for his help while Antoine lies on the ground, out of breath.