| - Semirhage appears before Suroth in Ebou Dar in KOD Prologue, offering her the position of Empress, and boasting of having slain the entire rest of the Seanchan royal family.
- Sie war schlanker und größer als die meisten Männer. Sie hatte ein dunkles Gesicht mit großen dunklen Augen und vollen Lippen. Sie hatte kurzes, gelocktes Haar. Es wird gesagt, dass sie sich immer schwarz kleidete, da Lanfear sich in weiß kleidete, obwohl nicht einmal andere Verlorene es wagen würden, ihr das ins Gesicht zu sagen.
- Semirhage is one of the Forsaken.
- In the 'WoT Companion' her strength in the One Power is classified 1(+12), making her stronger than all other female channelers except for Alivia and Lanfear (prior to her stay with the Finn), both of whom match her in strength. Though Graendal has been described as the second most powerful of the female Forsaken, this apparent contradiction could simply be the result of Graendal having significantly greater combative skill than Semirhage despite being weaker than her in the Power.
| - Semirhage appears before Suroth in Ebou Dar in KOD Prologue, offering her the position of Empress, and boasting of having slain the entire rest of the Seanchan royal family.
- Sie war schlanker und größer als die meisten Männer. Sie hatte ein dunkles Gesicht mit großen dunklen Augen und vollen Lippen. Sie hatte kurzes, gelocktes Haar. Es wird gesagt, dass sie sich immer schwarz kleidete, da Lanfear sich in weiß kleidete, obwohl nicht einmal andere Verlorene es wagen würden, ihr das ins Gesicht zu sagen.
- Semirhage is one of the Forsaken.
- In the 'WoT Companion' her strength in the One Power is classified 1(+12), making her stronger than all other female channelers except for Alivia and Lanfear (prior to her stay with the Finn), both of whom match her in strength. Though Graendal has been described as the second most powerful of the female Forsaken, this apparent contradiction could simply be the result of Graendal having significantly greater combative skill than Semirhage despite being weaker than her in the Power. Semirhage was among the most prominent Restorers, or healers, in the Age of Legends, and even before turning to the Shadow she was known to be cruel, often needlessly causing people extra pain when Healing them. Among the Forsaken she was the most depraved and sadistic, known for her unsurpassed skill with torturing and the pleasure she took in it, and she was in general the one people were most afraid to fall into the hands of for that reason. According to Graendal, Semirhage was utterly corrupt even before her conversion to the Shadow. She also appeared to have been something of a masochist, as she thought to herself at one point that she had been looking forward to being tortured by Rand al'Thor's Aes Sedai after her capture.