| - Conan leads his newly adopted Bramula tribe against the Kungado, who swiftly surrender. When Conan accepts their surrender and allegiance, Basotu disagrees, insisting all Kungado must die. He is put in his place by Conan, though, and they return to their village where Conan still faces the distrust of the witch-men despite becoming war-chief legitimately. He ponders his situation that night but his thoughts are interrupted by the scream of the tribesman who guards the herd of cattle - he has been attacked and killed by what appears to be vampires. The Bramula are terrified to act against the pale, fanged creatures, but Conan takes a spear and impales one as they try to flee with the herd. Emboldened, the tribe attacks and the vampires flee while the villagers give chase. Their hunt is thwa
| - Conan leads his newly adopted Bramula tribe against the Kungado, who swiftly surrender. When Conan accepts their surrender and allegiance, Basotu disagrees, insisting all Kungado must die. He is put in his place by Conan, though, and they return to their village where Conan still faces the distrust of the witch-men despite becoming war-chief legitimately. He ponders his situation that night but his thoughts are interrupted by the scream of the tribesman who guards the herd of cattle - he has been attacked and killed by what appears to be vampires. The Bramula are terrified to act against the pale, fanged creatures, but Conan takes a spear and impales one as they try to flee with the herd. Emboldened, the tribe attacks and the vampires flee while the villagers give chase. Their hunt is thwarted by screams from the village; it seems some creatures have taken advantage of the men's absence to attack the woman left behind. The men quickly return and slay the creatures remaining, keeping one alive. One of the witch-men of the village identifies the creature as one of "the men who drink blood", who file their teeth and drink cattle blood and live to the west. Conan decides to pay the Drelliks, as they are called, a visit, and takes the captive, Ashido, with him to lead the way. When they arrive at the a wooden wall, Basuto wants to slay Ashido, but Conan promised him his life if he didn't betray them. Conan scales the wall, which surrounds a cave system, and opens a door to his tribesmen. Ashido tells them his people are lethargic during daylight hours, and when they enter the caves, they indeed see many of his people sleeping. However, it is a ruse, and a gate slams shut at the entrance. Conan slays Ashido and attacks the Drellik king, but when his sword passes through the creature without harming him, Conan realizes he faces a true vampire. The king knocks Conan unconscious and the Bramula surrender.