| - Ever look in the mirror to see someone else there? So have I. Only this time, something was really different. Not just a general slip of the brain that everyone else has sometimes. I... It wasn't human. Not an animal either, nor a ghost. Something infinitely intriguing, and equally disturbing. I... I see this...this thing...every time I look into my mirror. I never see it in any other one than the one facing my bed. I had come to a conclusion; My forearm. I hobbled over, on newfound claws, to my door. Only to find it locked, as well.
| - Ever look in the mirror to see someone else there? So have I. Only this time, something was really different. Not just a general slip of the brain that everyone else has sometimes. I... It wasn't human. Not an animal either, nor a ghost. Something infinitely intriguing, and equally disturbing. It had skin like leather. Claws protruded out of its stumps, what I assumed were arms, or possible legs. It stood on the claws as if they were holding it up. They didn't seem proportional to the rest of its body. It had an anatomically impossible tail, drooping on the ground behind it. It didn't look like it had a face, more of what resembled a horse's head. Its body was slouched over, reminding me of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. It also had one large bloodshot eye, located on its forearm, which was obviously used for direction and sight. Its ears, pointed and triangular, were similar to a cat's. I... I see this...this thing...every time I look into my mirror. I never see it in any other one than the one facing my bed. I had come to a conclusion; I was either batshit crazy, or something paranormal was occurring. There was obviously something very unnatural about it. I decided to conquer my fears, and installed mirrors on every wall of my room. After I was done, I saw the creature, sitting on the mirror version of my bed. I approached the mirror facing my bed directly, and placed my hand against the glass. It stood up from the bed, and walked, or more like, hobbled on its claws, over to the mirror. It raised its claws to my hand, and pressed. I felt them press into my palm, piercing the skin. It hurt, but...I liked it...the pain...I...I liked it. I dropped my head, and saw the creature mirror my actions. I shut my eyes, and fell back on to my floor. When I opened them, I began to notice my vision was distorted. As if from a different height; no longer head level, more... chest level. Or...maybe my arm... My forearm. I looked up and saw myself in the mirror, not the creature, but actually me. The me in the reflection grinned, walked over to the door, opened it, and locked it on the way out. I hobbled over, on newfound claws, to my door. Only to find it locked, as well.