The Coronet City Peace and Security (CCPS), also known as Peace & Security, was a law enforcement agency on the planet Corellia in the months following the Battle of Endor. Some notable Peace & Security personnel included the detectives Erno, Shreen, and Mursey and the security officer Spob Rydel. During the Coronet City revolution, the Acolytes of the Beyond attacked a Peace and Security station in order to steal an ancient Sith lightsaber from the archives below. The undercover Acolyte Kiza killed Shreen, Mursey, and Rydel with a blaster while her comrade Remi cut off Erno's blaster hand with the stolen lightsaber. Prior to the Battle of Jakku, the CCPS began linking its records to the growing New Republic database.
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| - Coronet City Peace and Security
| - The Coronet City Peace and Security (CCPS), also known as Peace & Security, was a law enforcement agency on the planet Corellia in the months following the Battle of Endor. Some notable Peace & Security personnel included the detectives Erno, Shreen, and Mursey and the security officer Spob Rydel. During the Coronet City revolution, the Acolytes of the Beyond attacked a Peace and Security station in order to steal an ancient Sith lightsaber from the archives below. The undercover Acolyte Kiza killed Shreen, Mursey, and Rydel with a blaster while her comrade Remi cut off Erno's blaster hand with the stolen lightsaber. Prior to the Battle of Jakku, the CCPS began linking its records to the growing New Republic database.
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| - Coronet City Peace and Security
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| - *Erno
*Spob Rydel†
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| - The Coronet City Peace and Security (CCPS), also known as Peace & Security, was a law enforcement agency on the planet Corellia in the months following the Battle of Endor. Some notable Peace & Security personnel included the detectives Erno, Shreen, and Mursey and the security officer Spob Rydel. During the Coronet City revolution, the Acolytes of the Beyond attacked a Peace and Security station in order to steal an ancient Sith lightsaber from the archives below. The undercover Acolyte Kiza killed Shreen, Mursey, and Rydel with a blaster while her comrade Remi cut off Erno's blaster hand with the stolen lightsaber. Prior to the Battle of Jakku, the CCPS began linking its records to the growing New Republic database.
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