The Dark Knight is an American Superhero-Action Crime Drama Television Series, based off of the popular DC Comic's superhero, Batman, premiering on the CW Television Network on November 2, 2014. Featuring Tom Welling, Sean Pertwee, Dylan Sprayberry, Jadin Gould, Christin Milioti, and Gary Oldman as the main cast, the series follows the life of billionaire CEO Bruce Wayne, after he returns to Gotham in order to save his city from crime and corruption as Gotham's hero, the Dark Knight.
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| - The Dark Knight (2014 TV Series)
| - The Dark Knight is an American Superhero-Action Crime Drama Television Series, based off of the popular DC Comic's superhero, Batman, premiering on the CW Television Network on November 2, 2014. Featuring Tom Welling, Sean Pertwee, Dylan Sprayberry, Jadin Gould, Christin Milioti, and Gary Oldman as the main cast, the series follows the life of billionaire CEO Bruce Wayne, after he returns to Gotham in order to save his city from crime and corruption as Gotham's hero, the Dark Knight.
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| - The Dark Knight is an American Superhero-Action Crime Drama Television Series, based off of the popular DC Comic's superhero, Batman, premiering on the CW Television Network on November 2, 2014. Featuring Tom Welling, Sean Pertwee, Dylan Sprayberry, Jadin Gould, Christin Milioti, and Gary Oldman as the main cast, the series follows the life of billionaire CEO Bruce Wayne, after he returns to Gotham in order to save his city from crime and corruption as Gotham's hero, the Dark Knight.