| - Bramblestar finished his report. He looked at the sky while his clan said goodbye to the other clans. There was suddenly a rustle of wings. "What was that?" he hissed to Mistystar. "I dont know." she replied. Then out of no where a black cat with...No.... It can't be... thought Bramblestar. The cat had shining, feathered raven-like wings! "Who are you?" snarled Rowanstar, ShadowClan's new leader. "I am Ravenstar, leader of FlightClan." "There is no FlightClan!" yowled Squirrelflight from the base of the tree. "Yes there is. And always has been. Your ancestors abandoned us, forgot about us. But now, StarClan have given our medicine cat a sign. We must join your clans in our own territory." Ravenstar meowed cooly, his amber eyes showing no emotion. Bramblestar looked down at the cats below. The medicine cats, Kestrelflight, Jayfeather and Pouncepaw, Willowshine and Nettlefern, were muttering together. "Have you lot had a sign, or a dream?" snarled Ashstar, the WindClan leader. Kestrelflight nodded. "Yes Ashstar." "Why didn't you tell us!" yowled Bramblestar. "StarClan told us not to!" squeaked Pouncepaw, green eyes sparkling. Jayfeather hissed something angrily in his ear and he looked at his paws. Ravenstar landed next on the top branch of the great oak. "We have found territory and a camp. Starclan, do you welcome us?" he meowed to the stars. No clouds crossed the moon. "It is final." meowed a tortoiseshell with dark brown wings who had just fluttered in. "I am Emberflight, the FlightClan medicine cat." "Bramblestar, we have to pass through your territory. If you and a few of your warriors would like to come and agree on borders, we would be grateful." Ravenstar flicked his tail. "You and your warriors can stay in our camp for the night." Bramblestar decided. If we can be friendly to them, we might avoid fights in the future! "Thank you, Bramblestar."