Black Rain is a 1989 American action-thriller film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Michael Douglas, Andy García, Ken Takakura, Kate Capshaw and Yusaku Matsuda. The story centers on two New York City police officers who arrest a member of the Yakuza and must escort him back to Japan. Once there, he escapes, and the two police officers find themselves dragged deeper and deeper into the Japanese underworld.
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| - Black Rain (1989 American film)
| - Black Rain is a 1989 American action-thriller film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Michael Douglas, Andy García, Ken Takakura, Kate Capshaw and Yusaku Matsuda. The story centers on two New York City police officers who arrest a member of the Yakuza and must escort him back to Japan. Once there, he escapes, and the two police officers find themselves dragged deeper and deeper into the Japanese underworld.
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| - Black Rain is a 1989 American action-thriller film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Michael Douglas, Andy García, Ken Takakura, Kate Capshaw and Yusaku Matsuda. The story centers on two New York City police officers who arrest a member of the Yakuza and must escort him back to Japan. Once there, he escapes, and the two police officers find themselves dragged deeper and deeper into the Japanese underworld.