| - Lliira (pronounced LEER-ah), also known as Our Lady of Joy, was a good exarch (formerly a lesser deity) of Sune responsible for the sphere of joy, and for the domains of chaos, charm, family, good and travel.
- Lliira is a fictional goddess in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons, also known as Our Lady of Joy, Mistress of Revels and the Joybringer, and is the Faerûnian goddess of joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom and liberty.
- Lliira (pronounced LEER-ah), also known as Our Lady of Joy, is a chaotic good lesser deity who is responsible for the domains of chaos, charm, family, good and travel. Priests and priestess of Lliira, called "joy bringers", are the apple of her eye. They are entrusted with the leadership and tasked as plan-makers of festivals. Followers of Lliira are called Lliirans and wear brightly colored outfits, whom adorn themselves with rubies and sapphires. They are known for always having a smile on their lips, and it is unheard of to see one with a frown.
- Name: Lliira Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): Our Lady of Joy, Joybringer, Mistress of Revels Symbol: a triangle of three six-pointed stars (orange, yellow, red) Home plane: Alignment: chaotic good Portfolio: joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty Worshipers: Worshiper alignment: any alignment Cleric alignment: NG, CG, CN Domains: chaos, charm, family, good, travel Favored weapon: "Sparkle" (shuriken) Festivals:
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Lliiry Lliira (li-ra) jest nieustannie wędrującą panną z nkezliczonych ballad, archetypem niewinności, który stanowi natchnienie poetów, autorów pieśni i każdego, kto czerpie przyjemność z doświadczeń, jakie napotyka na swej drodze, i potrafi czerpać z życia pełnymi garściami. Lliira stara się zachować dystans od szarej rzeczywistości i trudów życia codziennego.
- Lliira (leer-ah) ist die Göttin der Freude, der Fröhlichkeit, des Tanzes, der Feste und der Freiheit. Sie ist auch Lady der Freude, die Freudbringerin und die Herrin der Feste bekannt.