Lain: I know your happy to be here but would you calm down a bit. Moon: Sorry I can't help it. After so long we made it to the next island. I mean even though it's sand it's still a island. Lucy: She's dancing.........Do you think she's okay? Kai*smirks*: Looks like our kind of person. Let's go find out. Kai*grinning*: Do you want a dance partner or you okay going solo? Moon: Well I like to dance and with or without a partner is fine with me. Just trying to get rid of the energy that's been setting in the past few weeks. Lucy: My name's Lucy and this is my captain Kai. Lain: Silly child. Kai: Do it!!

  • A dancer in the land of Sand? The Seraph Pirates meets the girl with a talking cat!!
  • Lain: I know your happy to be here but would you calm down a bit. Moon: Sorry I can't help it. After so long we made it to the next island. I mean even though it's sand it's still a island. Lucy: She's dancing.........Do you think she's okay? Kai*smirks*: Looks like our kind of person. Let's go find out. Kai*grinning*: Do you want a dance partner or you okay going solo? Moon: Well I like to dance and with or without a partner is fine with me. Just trying to get rid of the energy that's been setting in the past few weeks. Lucy: My name's Lucy and this is my captain Kai. Lain: Silly child. Kai: Do it!!
  • Lain: I know your happy to be here but would you calm down a bit. Moon: Sorry I can't help it. After so long we made it to the next island. I mean even though it's sand it's still a island. Lucy: She's dancing.........Do you think she's okay? Kai*smirks*: Looks like our kind of person. Let's go find out. Kai*grinning*: Do you want a dance partner or you okay going solo? Moon: Well I like to dance and with or without a partner is fine with me. Just trying to get rid of the energy that's been setting in the past few weeks. Lucy: My name's Lucy and this is my captain Kai. Moon: Moon or Moonstar's the name and it's nice to meet you two too. Lain is. Moon: I guess Lain's giving herself a bath at the moment. He he she's not one to make small talk. Kai: Maybe we can meet her later. How long have you been Alabasta? Moon: We just docked a few minutes ago. I decide before we headed to town to dance to burn some energy. Lain thinks it's silly but she knows how i can get in a new place. Lain: Careful Moon don't hurt yourself. We still need to stock up since we ran out of almost everything. Moon: Don't worry I'm ok. Sorry to worry ya Lain. Lain: Silly child. Kai: Is it just me or is that cat talking? Lucy: No..............that's a talking cat...... Lain: No your not losing it i am a talking cat. The names Lain and it's nice to meet you. Kai: See I told you, our kind of people! Lucy: I see what you mean. Kai: We were just going to have a feast, you're more than welcome to join us. Lain: As much as that sounds fun. We can't not at the moment. You see we ran out of most of the supplies. And we need to stock up before Moon manages to bring trouble. Moon: Man Lain your no fun. But your right we really do need to get some stuff. Sorry Miss Lucy, Mister Kai. If the offer still stands can we come meet you back here in 2 hours or so? Kai: We can do that. Lucy: It'll take a while to prepare anyway. So what are captain's orders? Kai: Let's head back to the ship. We seemed to have picked up a tail anyway. Lucy *forced a small smile*: We'll see you here later later then. Lain: Are you forgetting something Moon? Moon: Your right Lain I forgot the supply list and some money to pay for it all. Oops sorry Lain. Moon: Ok, now we're ready to shop. Lain: I sometimes wonder what would happen if I wasn't here to help you. Moon: Guess I would be stuck at sea, hoping I'd stay alive till the next island? Lain: Silly child. ?????: You're Kai De Avalon aren't you?! Lucy: What if he is? Guard 1: We're the security staff for the merchants here and we came to warn you. We're not looking for trouble, but if you try anything we can have the marines here right away. Guard 2: That's right! Kai: We're not looking for trouble either. Kai: Though next time I wouldn't recommend following and attempting to threaten a pirate. They aren't all as good natured as I am. Lain: Moon i think they are also warning us. Moon: I know silly. I just think they are brave warriors to do something like that. Guard 1: Did that cat.... Just talk? Lain: No your not losing it. I'm a talking cat. The names Lain. Moon: And I'm Moon or Moonstar. Moon and Lain: And it's nice to meet you. Guard 2: As your.. Friend said the warning goes to you two as well. We will have the marines here if you try anything. Moon: I understand sirs. But do you know where I could exchange some gold into Beil's. We need supplies but not enough money to pay for it. Unless they take gold. Which would be weird but who knows. Lain: You could've stopped at the exchanging gold. I don't think they want to deal with us when they are busy. Guard 1: Well there are a few places that do. If you would like we could show you. That's also apart of our job. Helping those that need a extra hand. Moon: Really? Sweet thank you Misters. Lain: She is really thankful as you can see. Guard 2: Remember pirates no trouble, no marines. Have a nice day. Kai: No marines, no trouble, Remember that. Moon: Mister Kai, I don't think these guards are trying to upset you. I think something big happened in the past week or so to make them like this. Please understand that they are just doing this so their island doesn't have any more trouble. Kai: Don't worry, I was just teaching the nice men a little lesson about making unnecessary threats. See you later, you two. Moon: Umm ok Mister see you later. Lain: Come on Moon. Moon: Sorry he he he. Moon: I umm thank you for umm helping us. I really am grateful. Guard 2:It's no trouble Miss. We are happy to help those that need it. Lain: You would be surprised with Moon she can do the unthinkable. Lain: She decide she was going to sail the Grand Line. It seems luck has gotten her this far. Moon: I hope that will work. I'm not to sure on how much i should pay you. Thank you for helping us. Guard 1: It was no trouble Miss. I had fun today. Thank you for listening to me blab on and on. Moon: I enjoyed listen to the history sir. Lain: You ok? Moon: Yep just hungry and a little worn out but I'll be fine. Lain: Even a ball full of energy would be worn out after that shopping trip. You think those people will come back? Moon: Well I hope so cause that party sounds fun. We never party much. Lain: Well how can we party when there are only two of us? Moon: Good point. Kai: So some extra people would be welcome then? Lucy: Moon! Lain! Come on down, we're having a barbeque! Moon: Alright party time. Yey. Lain: We will talk about this later. Moon: *pouts* Fine your no fun Lain. But for now lets party. Lain: *sighs* Fine but later I want to know why your stomach growled. Moon: I don't know. He he he. Luther: See a talking cat, hand it over! Zarah: I haven't heard anything, so you don't get a penny. Luther: Cheapskate! Zarah: Sukebe-boy! Luther: Prude! Rosita: Imogen! Don't climb too high up that tree! Imogen: But mooooommm! Rosita: No "but"'s that's as high as you go missy! Darius: But I can build a better one if you give me time! Lucy: The damn spit is working fine. Go build something with Ed. Edward: No way hammer-nut, I'm checking our charts Kai: Welcome to the chaotic world of my crew. Moon: Thanks for having us Mister Kai. Your crew is fun I can tell. I'm Moonstar or Moon. Lain: I'm Lain and your not losing it I really am a talking cat. Moon and Lain: And it's nice to meet you all. Lain: Sorry about Moon when she meets new people or well anytime really she gets like this. Luther: See the cat can talk, I told you he wasn't making it up! Zarah: Oh........ Zarah: Wow, Kitsune never warms up to someone that fast. I'm Zarah Karim, you can call me Zarah. Zarah: That blue haired sukebe over there is Luther Foxe. I'd stay away from him. Luther: Don't listen to her she's just being a sore loser, because she lost our bet. Yoshiro: Crab too. Lain: Once again you don't even do a thing besides fall on your but and laugh. And you still gain a animals trust. I don't know if I'm more shocked about that fact or not since you gained the trust of that sea king who was four times the size of our ship. Moon: Oh you mean Lucky I wonder how he's doing? Well he did say we'd see him again. I hope so that was a great show when he shot the water over the ship. He he he So Miss Kitsune it's really nice to meet you and if it's ok with you. What's your dream? Moon: It's ok Miss Kitsune why don't we eat and you can think about while we're all eating. Kay? Kai: See what I mean guys. Our kind of people. Eldora *smirking*: One look and he reads you like a book, that's Kai for you. Luther *raising his cup*: To new friends and our kind of people! Everyone: KANPAI!! Lucy: The crab's ready guys, dig in there's enough to go around. Luther: I take it our talking cat friend wants some crab meat too? Lain: That piece is for you. I bet 5 fish they have enough for both of us. Now stop worrying over me and eat before when this is over I lecture you longer then I plan to. Lain: I would love some crab Luther sir. I'm a cat after all and crabs one of my favorite sea meals. Luther: This going to be enough for you? Lain: Oh yea this is more then enough thank you so much. Darius: I know what I can build! Kai,Luther & Edward *in unison*: Not now Darius! Darius *frowning*: But it's a really good idea..... Rosita: Seems like someone tired herself out. Lain: Girl that's the first time I seen you finish something in such a small time. How long has it been since you ate last? Moon: Well since we only had enough food to last us a day and a half if both of us ate. I umm stopped eating all together umm 3 days ago. Lain: When we are done here you are so going to get it. Understand Child? Moon: Ok but for now lets have some fun. Lucy: Did I just hear you say no food in three days? Lucy: You're coming with me to the ship, right now! Moon: That was new. Mister Kai your crew is great. So full of life and fun to be around. He he he. Kai: Yeah that's my crew alright. Only get a quiet moment when they all tire themselves out. All Seraph's: Hey! Lucy: If we're gonna feed a starving girl we're gonna give her the best stuff we've got! So we're having desert too! Yoshiro: Why did I need to be the one to carry it? Edward: When do you want to be setting sail Captain? Kai: We'll set sail tomorrow afternoon. I want to have a look around here a little more before we leave. Moon: Miss Lucy it's ok. This one time I ate only one meal each day for a week. But that turned out to be a bad idea. Since I was also training to get stronger. Man was that Doctor mad at me when I told him how I got deathly sick. His lecture was twice as bad. Moon: I was kinda planing to have a small snack later. But I guess I should be thanking you for all that you and your crew are doing I'm really grateful. Lucy: No need for any of that Moon. Kai likes you, that's all we need to know. Now who wants steak? All Seraphs: Me! Kai: Captain first! Zarah: What's up with him? Luther: I don't know, but did you see that look he had? That's not like him. Lain: That was thee best crab I had in a long time. I really thankful and full. Lain: Pardon me I must say the crab meat was really good. Moon: Even Lain is happy he he. Steak, haven't had that for a few years. I wouldn't mind having one. Kai: Look they have Antelie's! I haven't see these fruits since I was on Karate Island! Kai: If you can figure out how to get it open, I'll get you everything you need to start you next project tomorrow. Moon: That's an Antelie, I've never seen one in real life only in books. What's they taste like? Are they sweet or sour? Are they sticky or have a lot of juice? Can you cook with them? Or can you eat them raw? Lain: Moon quit bombing them with so many questions. And please take a breath. Moon: Sorry I just never seen one up close. Kai: I don't mind, They're pretty fun to play with and they're sweet treat. If you know how to get into it. Kai: That's not figuring out Darius, if you smash it the deal's off. Edward: Let me have a look, I wanna try. Zarah: Stay out of my way, Sukebe! Luther: It your fault that happened, so stay out of my way! Lucy: I have a pile of fresh roasted steaks and you're all interested in some fruit? Rosita, I think they're ill. Moon: Sorry Miss Lucy the steaks smell really great, but I've never seen an Antelie up close and this feels really weird. This is like a mystery puzzle that is hard to solve. Kai *whispers to Moon*: You want to figure it out yourself or want me to tell you? Moon: Nah I'm good, I think I'm getting it. Kai: I wouldn't cut the stalk if I were you Darius: Does this thing even open? Lucy: That's enough!! Lucy: I'm cooking, baka's! So behave!!! Moon: I guess I do need some would you please open it for me? Kai: How about we stop you bleeding first? Rosita: Keep the plaster out of your mouth and it should be healed up pretty fast. Kai: It nice and sweet, if you want to try it. Moon: Sorry if it's just a small wound I suck it for a few seconds before putting a band-aid on it. And that smells really good. Do you mind Lucy if I try a little on the steak? Lucy: Remember we have desert waiting too. Edward: I want desert now! Darius: Damn it, how did he open that? Luther: He did something with the stalk. Zarah: He pulled something. Darius: We should have expected something like that. Moon: Mister Kai the fruit and Steak together was nothing I ever had before. It was so I don't know no words come to mind. It was a blast in my mouth. It so so so very good. Kai: hmm I'll give it a go. Lucy: Don't leave me out of this. Lucy: Captain we need more of those fruits. Kai: Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm the only one who knows where to buy them. Kai: Come on, you're coming with me. Darius: Yes boss. Kai: Have you noticed the two groups? One on either side. Darius: Yeah on the rooftops. Kai: I'd rather this didn't turn into an a all out fight here. The people who live here are nice. When I say take out the beams under the overhang to the right, I'll go left. Darius: What about the others? Kai: They haven't got the guts to go up against them with, most of their force here. Once we take out the supports, we run as far into town. I'll fly us clear once we've lost them. Darius: Understood. Kai: Do it!! Zarah: What's the matter Kit? Luther: They're Marines, but they're not going to attack us. Moon: I hope not, you're not like most pirates. You're the type that likes to have fun. Not destroying everything in sight. Sometimes I think the marines are wrong about some pirates, no adventurers. Yoshiro: Kai said he didn't want to cause trouble tonight, what should we do? Luther: We wait for Kai to come back. They won't make a move without him to pick up. Who's got a weapon with them? Zarah: I've got some pop greens. Yoshiro: I've got my sword Rosita: I've got nothing. Eldora: My bow is back on the ship. Edward: Some smoke bombs are all I've got. Lucy: I've got some cooking knives, but I don't think they'd be much use. Luther: I've got my Tonfa with me. What about you Moon, Lain? Lain: *mumbles in sleep* Get back here tastie fish. Moon: Sorry Lain's out for the count. And I got my sword and a bag of spicy bombs. This would be a good time to test them out. I'm guessing we're gonna fight them then. Lain's gonna get mad if I get a bounty already. Oh well he he he. Luther: Captain doesn't want to start a battle here. So if there is a fight it'll just be give us a chance to fall back. Luther: Everyone get over here, this is the plan if we need it. Darius: How can we get back to the beach? Kai: I'm thinking....... Kai: Air Magnum! Kai: Lets get back to the beach. Moon: I don't really get why marines think all pirates are bad. They really need to rethink what is right and wrong. But that's not going to happen any time soon. I just hope everyone can get away safely. Luther: We've dealt with more Marines than this before and got away fine. Put the weapons we've got out here in front of me. Edward: I've got the some bombs here, they've got fire moss fuses. Zarah: I've got these two sea weed Pop Greens. Yoshiro: My sword is here. Luther: I have my Tonfa here. All we need is the Captain and Darius back and we're good to go. Kai:As and you shall receive. Kai: I'm afraid we're going to have to cut our little party short. Most of the Marines are in the center of town looking for us, so we need to make a move. Lucy: Moon, Lain, I want you to take these back to the ship with you. They're my best cakes. Try to eat right, okay? Moon: I promise even if we're almost out of food I'll still eat something. Lain: What's up I heard the word marines. Did they find out I was thee Hell Cat Lain? Or did Moon somehow make trouble? Moon: I don't cause trouble. Trouble seems to find me at the weirdest times thank you very much. Oh and Lain I used that so they won't see our ship. He he he it works it really works. Lain: Well I don't like you using that. Since we might have to fight. But since you seem to be ok I guess. But if you feel faint get to the ship and get away. I'll be there once everything is ok. Moon: Nope that's not gonna happen. I'll be fine besides really. Kai: What's the plan strategist? Luther: To start with Moon has some spicy bombs she can use, you could help things along. Kai: You ready? Moon: Yep here goes nothing. The newest attack in the world of Crazy Moon. Spice Bombs. Kai: Let's clear a path. Spice Tornado! Luther: Throw the smoke bombs now! Moon: That was so awesome. How did you do that. Is it like a DF. Lain: And she starts acting like that even when marines are near. Sorry about that everyone. Moon's like a little child at heart. But she knows what's right and wrong. Kai *smirks*: Yeah its a devil fruit and if you liked that, you'll love this. Luther: They can't see us, we can make our move. Kai: Yoshiro, Darius, clear the way. Lain: Well if I know one thing. Moon is very happy to see you that way. Moon: So cool, so awesome, so cool, so awesome. Kai *smiling*: Well its been a pleasure, ladies. You going to be safe getting back to your ship? Moon: Yea we'll be fine. It was really nice meeting you Mister Kai. Thanks for everything and tell everyone I said I hope to see them again someday. Lain: I really enjoyed myself as well. Hope you all get away safe as well. Kai: I will. See you again.... Kai: ....some Day Edward: The Log Pose is set, we can leave any time. Luther: Once your aboard, everyone make preparations to sail. Kai: We're sailing as soon as possible, if we need more supplies I can fly back for them. Everyone: Aye, sir! Edward: Imi, I want you on the wheel. Dariius, Yoshiro, I want full sail now. Captain, we'll need a tail wind to get us out to sea fast. Darius: Sails set! Edward: Now captain! Luther: No sign of any pursuit, we're in the clear. Lain: So that's why you wasn't worried. Lucky was here. Moon: Yep but he's here until we got here thanks Lucky thanks you can go back home now. Lain: I thought we wasn't leaving? Moon: We're not we're just gonna head up the river. There's a spot a little ways away we can stay until the log sets. Lain nods at that before heading over to the mast to give Moon some time to herself. Along with giving herself a bath after everything. Moon meanwhile was looking at the sky as a tear fell from her eyes. She was really happy to meet the Seraph pirates and hoped they were safe and was having fun on their travels like she is. Moon wiped her eyes and set the sails down before going over to the wheel. With a wide grin she started to think of who the next person they'd meet on the Grand Line. Along with another great Adventures.
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