Gorc was a Force-sensitive Gamorrean male native of the planet Pzob. After leaving his homeworld with his older brother Thok, Gorc traveled the galaxy, serving first as a test subject for a scientist named Pineas Pontak, and later as an enforcer for the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure on the planet Tatooine. However, when the brothers found themselves in trouble after a cantina fight, Gorc was sold out to the Galactic Empire by Thok. The Gamorrean was subsequently mutated into Sithspawn by Galactic Emperor Palpatine's "monster-maker" Cronal. As a result of his mutation, Gorc shared genes, abilities, and characteristics and had a symbiotic link through the Force with his fellow test subject, the Kowakian monkey-lizard Picaroon C. Boodle. Because of that connection, Gorc and Pic were e