E'noro was a female Bith Senator of the New Republic who represented Clak'dor VII and the Mayagil sector circa 26 ABY. She sat on the Corruption Panel. She formally relieved Viqi Shesh of senatorial duties after being convicted of treason.
E'noro was a female Bith Senator of the New Republic who represented Clak'dor VII and the Mayagil sector circa 26 ABY. She sat on the Corruption Panel. She formally relieved Viqi Shesh of senatorial duties after being convicted of treason.
E'noro era una senadora Bith de la Nueva República que representó a Clak'dor VII y el Sector Mayagil circa el 26 DBY. Ella tenía un puesto en el Panel de Corrupción.
E'noro was a female Bith Senator of the New Republic who represented Clak'dor VII and the Mayagil sector circa 26 ABY. She sat on the Corruption Panel. She formally relieved Viqi Shesh of senatorial duties after being convicted of treason.
E'noro era una senadora Bith de la Nueva República que representó a Clak'dor VII y el Sector Mayagil circa el 26 DBY. Ella tenía un puesto en el Panel de Corrupción.