| - The Darnussian Democrats was a Darnussian political party founded in March 2592, forming out of the Anti-Theocrat Party, which had disbanded following the abolishment of the mandatory state religion. The founder of the party was Allison Fielding. The party became the Moderate Royalist Union in September 2599. The party's official ideology was small-l liberalism, which is closely similar to centrism. The Democrats have a mix of social liberal, moderate, and conservative views; though it usually falls under the category of centre-left. In the elections of 2594, the Democrats saw a large gain in Parliament seats, becoming the second largest party in Darnussia. Meanwhile, the Moderate Coalition that was founded by the Democrats and Christian Democratic Union won the Presidency with the CDU's Colonel Thomas Slayback. Following the elections, the Democrat headquarters was moved to Merenbürg, Narikaton due to the party having its largest support in that state. In June 2595 the leadership of Allison Fielding was voted to an end and she was replaced by Alexis Menzies. Menzies and other Royalist Democrats took power to voice their support for the Conditional Surrender Bill in the civil war and to voice their view of reestablishing the monarchy fully. After the civil war ended, the Democrats adopted a new logo that included the nation's new symbol. Shortly the party was known as the Democrats of the United Republic before becoming the Moderate Royalist Union.