| - Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Saint James Saint James ist ein pädophiler Sklavenhändler, der 2281 in Westside lebt.
- Saint James ("The Saint") is a fixer in Seattle who moved there in 2060s. He is a former shadowrunner and bodyguard. Saint James has a reputation of being trustworthy to the runners; as a former shadowrunner he remembers he was once where they were and is somewhat more likely to deal fairly with them than your average fixer.
- Saint James was the 1st military leader of The Mexican Landers in 25th of July,1531. He led the war against the Mexican natives known as The War of 1531 which lasted from 1531 to 1580 which was a war that lasted for 49 years. At the end the Mexicans won thanks to brilliant military leader Saint James. He later died of assassination on the 23rd of June,1612 by Marc Anderson in the Event named Assassination of Saint James The Red Cross Saint James Took Into Battle File:Imagehs.jpg
- Saint James is a slaver living in Westside in 2281.
- Saint James war der Name einer kleinen Gemeinde im 15. Jahrhundert. Das Dorf wurde später Teil der Stadt Cardiff. 1479 bedrohte die Pest das Dorf, woraufhin man eine Mauer errichtete, um die Bewohner zu schützen. Ein kleines Mädchen starb dennoch, wurde aber vom Priester des Dorfes wiederbelebt. Mit dem Leben des Mädchens kam aber auch Duroc auf die Erde und tötet 12 Menschen, bevor er von dem untoten Kind unschädlich gemacht werden konnte (Dead Man Walking). Kategorie:Städte und Ortschaften
- Saint James – brytyjska fregata kaperska, która przemierzała szlak handlowy na Florydzie.
- Saint James, named after James, son of Zebedee (Spanish: Santiago el Mayor), is the sixth-largest city in Ivalice and second-largest city in Califia, after Ivalion, with a population of 902,400 (Apr 2010) within city limits. The metropolitan area of Saint James extends beyond the city limits with a population of 2,478,000. Combined with the Ivalion and Marcosia Metropolitan Areas, the three make the Ivalion Regional Agglomeration, with a total population of 24,912,750.