rect 160 420 183 441 Pemaret rect 189 426 202 439 Cormaya 1 rect 189 444 203 453 Yoem rect 167 442 184 457 Cormaya 2 rect 181 458 194 475 Cormaya House rect 201 462 216 479 Cormaya 3 rect 171 488 200 517 Castle of the White Dragon rect 167 460 180 477 Cormaya 4 rect 121 456 146 481 Cormaya 5 rect 151 486 164 498 Cormaya 6 rect 151 499 164 510 Cormaya 7 rect 151 511 164 523 Cormaya 8 rect 162 542 172 557 Cormaya 9a rect 147 534 161 557 Cormaya 9b rect 173 526 188 547 Cormaya 10 rect 193 526 210 540 Cormaya 11 rect 206 502 215 515 Gurbasch rect 199 490 234 515 Cormaya Garden desc bottom-right Click on coloured streets to go to that page. Cormaya Street is on the island of Cormaya, south of Edron. It touches Cormaya Flats at the northeast.
rect 160 420 183 441 Pemaret rect 189 426 202 439 Cormaya 1 rect 189 444 203 453 Yoem rect 167 442 184 457 Cormaya 2 rect 181 458 194 475 Cormaya House rect 201 462 216 479 Cormaya 3 rect 171 488 200 517 Castle of the White Dragon rect 167 460 180 477 Cormaya 4 rect 121 456 146 481 Cormaya 5 rect 151 486 164 498 Cormaya 6 rect 151 499 164 510 Cormaya 7 rect 151 511 164 523 Cormaya 8 rect 162 542 172 557 Cormaya 9a rect 147 534 161 557 Cormaya 9b rect 173 526 188 547 Cormaya 10 rect 193 526 210 540 Cormaya 11 rect 206 502 215 515 Gurbasch rect 199 490 234 515 Cormaya Garden desc bottom-right Click on coloured streets to go to that page. Cormaya Street is on the island of Cormaya, south of Edron. It touches Cormaya Flats at the northeast. Buildings and NPCs from west to east and north to south on the street:
* Pemaret, Boat (second floor)
* Cormaya 1
* Yoem, Furniture
* Cormaya Flats
* Cormaya 2
* Cormaya House
* Cormaya 3
* Castle of the White Dragon
* Cormaya 4
* Cormaya 5
* Cormaya 6
* Cormaya 7
* Cormaya 8
* Cormaya 9a
* Cormaya 9b
* Cormaya 9c (second floor)
* Cormaya 9d (second floor)
* Cormaya 10
* Cormaya 11
* Cormaya Garden (second floor)
* Gurbasch (-8 floor) Note: For categories, use Template:Main.