| - Piximon (japanisch: Piccolomon) sind kleine, pinke Feendigimon. Sie haben zehn Flügel und beherrschen die Macht der Magie. Für Ultra-Digimon sind sie recht klein und werden daher oft unterschätzt, obwohl ihre Attacken ziemlich stark sind.
- Piximon is a Pixie Digimon whose name and design are derived from a misspelling of "piccolo" (Ita: small) and the mythological pixie. It is fluent in magic, and can recite the advanced programming language of another dimension, allowing it to generate miracles with the appearance of magic. This miraculous Digimon is able to pop up in every place, time, and space, and although its body is small, it can seal away the enemy's abilities with its own special ability, and then pulverize the opponent with a mighty blow. With its mischief-loving personality, it enjoys making computers run wild with its cherished spear, "Fairy Tale", that it always holds in its hands (although it has no ill intent). Despite its appearance, it uses terrifying attacks.
- The DigiDestined kids first met Piximon when they were walking the deserts of Server. They were attacked by a Kuwagamon, and Agumon was frozen with fear, and unable to Digivolve - he had only just recently accidentally Digivolved into SkullGreymon, and was afraid it could happen again - but Piximon saved them, using his Pit Bomb attack to dispatch the insectoid Digimon. Biyomon heard of Piximon, and when he said he wanted to train the kids and their Digimon, she told them it was an honor, so they accepted. Piximon took them to his secret training ground, hidden from detection by Etemon by an invisible barrier. The kids first task was to climb the gargantuan flight of stone steps to the top of Piximon's home, and then to clean it, top-to-bottom. However, Piximon said he had a special job fo